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A Perfect Family.

That's the description one would think about the Mortem Royal Family...


A knock surrounded my quiet bedroom. The sun now showed its first rays as I have been blankly staring into oblivion unable to go back to sleep. I answered for the maid to come in. She seemed surprised as I had already awoken. She greeted me and handed me warm water and a towel. I immediately scooped a palm-full of water and washed my face as if washing the dreadful nightmare I had last night.

"Princess, I have already drawn the bath." the maid informed me as she led me to the bathroom.

"What scent would you like, Princess? There's rose and lavender." The maid asked as I undressed.

" Lavender, please" I smiled as I answered. I think I need something to soothe my mind... The maid immediately mixed some into the warm bath and I went straight into it. The warmth and the smell did somehow wash away all the nervousness I had after dreaming of mother again. I haven't dreamt of my mother in a long time. Mom, are you trying to say something for me? 

I finished bathing and maids rushed to get me ready. I was adorned with a peach-colored crinoline frill dress. It also doesn't have too many ribbons. It's not tacky at all. My hair was braided with ribbons and my ears show delicate sapphire gems. I looked at my reflection in the mirror. I look alright... The Emperor occasionally conducts a weekly breakfast gathering with his children to bond although it's for reputation purposes... They must be feeling proud of their work, although I can't see much of a difference...

I went on my way to the dining room. These huge walls never change... They're still the same, then and now. I walked as gracefully as ever, a smile plastered on my face, contrary to my emotions. I have to act as if I'm happy...

I arrived at huge doors. It's not much decorated like the throne room but it boasts a certain warm feeling that makes it suitable as a place to eat with a family. My arrival was announced by the knights and smiles greeted me as the low creaking of huge doors ensued. I gave them my brightest smile and greeted them. My sisters motioned for me to sit down and I went to my seat. The feeling of warmth that this room exudes almost suffocated me. My father, immediately motioned for all servants to go out once the food is served.

The low creaking of doors again ensued as the bright smiles almost immediately disappeared as the doors closed, leaving only cold and callous gazes. The once warm feeling this room exuded, was replaced by a freezing one. I shuddered to feel nervous. I think I'm going to have indigestion later... My brothers looked at me as if disgusted and my sisters pretended not to see a thing. I quietly sighed. The same old scene, huh? Although I don't feel bad about it now... This much isn't even half of what they did to me.

My father, the emperor motioned for us to eat. The clanking of utensils is the only thing that can be heard in here as we ate silently. Everyone in the room can feel this tension in the air when the emperor didn't even bother to talk like he usually does.

A loud clank can be heard and our heads turned in that direction, only to see the annoyed face of my twin brother. Impatience splattered across his face.

" Father, why does THAT wench need to be here?!" He exclaimed as he pointed at me. He continued rambling about me as I continued eating my food. Those words don't hurt me anymore, dear. You use that all the time. But impatient as he is, he grew frustrated seeing as I'm not even listening to him which made him turn to me instead of father.

" Hey, you wench! Why are you here, huh?! Didn't I tell you not to come?! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!-"

"GRENDEL!" The emperor shouted which made us flinch. I bowed my head trying to calm my anxious heart. My head is spinning. My breathing became hitched. My brother shut his mouth and sat as the emperor exuded a terrible aura.

"Eyes are watching, child." The emperor said with an unmistakable chill to his tone. Everyone lost their appetite. I lost mine a long time ago. I pursed my lips as I tried to fix my composure.

"I still haven't forgotten about that scandal you made, son." The emperor reminded coldly. Irritatingly looking at his child as if he was a pest. He only cares about his reputation after all... All of us bowed our heads as we silently finished our food, our minds aimlessly wandering somewhere.

A 'Perfect Family', huh?

I scoffed in my head at the sudden thought.

Well, our family doesn't seem so perfect now.

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