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Grendel Rex Mortem, the third prince of this empire, Queen Renaia's son, my only blood relative...

... And my hate-filled twin brother.


The maids hurried to me as I arrived in my bedroom. Exhausted after the breakfast gathering, I let my maids attend to me. Chattering here and there, the oblivious maids cleaned me of the excessive gowns and jewelry from earlier and let me wear my usual day clothes.

" Would you like to have tea, Princess?" one of the maids asked me and I nodded. I asked them to prepare something for an upset stomach. I sat at the table near my window. I stared at the garden below while waiting for my tea. They maintained it very well... It's still the same... My tea arrived sometime later and I drew the teacup near my mouth. I savored the aroma of tea while reminiscing of the times I and my brother had of mother...


It was a very peaceful day, flowers are blooming and a picturesque scene can be seen inside the garden. A mother and her children having a picnic together. Children laugh while playing as their mother worries about a lot of things.

" Mother!" A little boy with the same hair color as his mother and eyes the color of the night, happily called for his mother, holding a little girl's hand. Their mother's eyes brightened at the adorable sight in front of her. She opened her arms and embraced them in a tight yet warm hug making the twins giggle with happiness.

The twins looked at their mother whose eyes are gazing at them full of love. The twins dearly loved their mother very much. They also loved each other. They even wanted to grow up fast so they could fulfill the promise to protect their mother. They were so caught up in the moment that they thought nothing could ever destroy this scene...


The heavy outpour of rain surrounded the dark and dreary room of the twins' mother. The little girl hugged her teddy as she blankly stared at the empty ceiling in front of her. Tears have long dried up in her face and nothing would come out of her eyes.

The door in her mother's room creaked and came in the little boy, her twin. The usual bright eyes disappeared and were now filled with tears as he approached his twin. The little boy sobbed as his sister blankly stared at the wall not even bothering to look at him.

" Why... Why didn't you attend mother's funeral?" The little boy's broken voice echoed in the empty bedroom. His sobs slowly diminished as he bombarded her with questions.

" Why...? Why are you not crying? Are you not sad of mother's death? Are you just fine with it?!" the little boy's eyes were filled with anguish and a tinge of hatred crossed it as he asked her. The little girl couldn't respond. She's afraid the boy might not like her answer. Afraid that the boy might hate her even more than he already is. She knew how pathetic and helpless she is and how she couldn't even fulfill the promise of protecting their mother.

Hearing no answer from the girl, the little boy became frustrated.

" Why?! Why?! WHY?!!" He shouted at the little girl, eyes once again filled with anguish and hatred as tears rapidly fall.

"Why didn't you come to the funeral?!! Do you not care about mother?!  Do you not love her?! We promise to protect her, remember?! WE PROMISED!! SO WHY?!! WHY WEREN'T YOU THERE?!! Why weren't you there?...." Seeing her brother's anguish, tears slowly fall down her cheeks. The little girl knows his questions weren't just addressed to her. He's also blaming himself...

"I'm sorry..." That's the only thing the little girl could tell. The only thing she could muster to say. Seeing her brother break down, her heart hurt. She cried again and again with her brother in their mother's desolate room as the rain grew heavier and heavier as if grieving with them...


"I hate you..." The little girl's brother said to her as she faced the floor unable to look at her brother's face.

" It's all your fault! You are the one who caused our mother's death! How dare you show up in here?!!" The little boy said pushing his sister to the ground. It was their mother's first death anniversary.

"IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!! I HATE YOU!!!" The little boy screamed at the little girl while she remained silent...


I know... I thought while remembering the memory. I looked into my teacup and found it empty.  I have already finished drinking the tea and it seemed to work. My stomach doesn't hurt anymore...

I sighed as I thought about the memories of my twin brother. Memories of him and my mother. All the good and bad memories we had together...

... I'm sorry.

MorticiaTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon