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"I can help you. If you want..." The archduke proposed. As if reading my mind, he answered and suggested helping me. I was just thinking about how I can continue learning spells after all Seraphina isn't here. 

I'm at the receiving end again... 

Although I am tempted to accept his help, I can't help but feel conflicted as I feel like I'm taking his help for granted. I wanted to repay him but I can't do anything right now. I don't like the feeling of owing someone a favor... Favors are not quickly repaid... 

And again as if he's an esper able to read minds, his still poker-faced face spoke, " Please don't be conflicted. I have my agenda about wanting to help you. I've been wanting to know more about your mana. There's something different with it and since it's rare for black magicians to appear in the same generation, I'd like to compare yours with mine."

I have to say, I felt better after he said that. Strange... why do I feel comforted hearing I'll possibly be experimented on? I mentally swatted these floating thoughts to get rid of them. I found my nerves relaxed at that moment. 

I felt more compelled to accept his suggestion. Now that I don't feel like he's helping me out for no reason and has a motive for it, my conscience isn't pricking my brittle heart much.

With that, I smiled at him with a more pleasant expression than earlier and made a slight curtsy signaling my acceptance. "It is an honor for me to be able to take the teachings of the great mage." 

"You don't need to be so formal with me, Princess." He quickly said as he told me to stand. " You should speak casually to me. I don't feel good having you be so formal with me..." He grimaced as he said that. He isn't used to it I guess...

"I cannot do that, Your Grace. After all, the identity I currently have is that of a wealthy merchant's daughter who, for some reason, lost her way and made it here. You should be the one to speak casually to me, Your Grace." A flash of conflict passed by his eyes as his movements slightly turned stiff. a look that seems to say '... But you're the princess..?' faintly appeared in his poker face and I gave him a sweet smile.  Is this what it felt like to tease someone? I've never had the chance to do something like this back in the Palace... It feels oddly amusing.

I bid my farewell after that not giving him any chance to speak and that's how our 'deal' if you could call it that, was made.


I woke up early the next day to prepare for our lesson. The summer wind's still the same as it was in winter. I don't even know if summer's already passed in Mortem... Time seemed to stay still in Steros. An eternity of snow... I broke off my floating thoughts as I washed my face to prepare. It's still warm here inside the territory, though. 

I then asked the maid to lead me to where the archduke will be teaching me. The place is an open field with dummies and equipment for training. Is this where Steros' knights practice..? The equipment here's good. A much better environment to hone one's skills. 

The archduke stood in the middle o the place, holding what seemed like a magic device. Sunlight hit his exquisite features making him look solemn and gentle standing alone. Gosh, he looks handsome... 

The archduke raised his head and beckoned for me to come closer. 

"Are you ready?" He asked still as emotionlessly as ever. I nodded in response and asked what the lesson was for today. 

"We'll first make you control your mana so that it'll be easier for you to create spells in the future. Plus increase your stamina. Although mages mostly use long-distance attacks and are mostly just staying in one place while casting spells, good stamina is effective in casting spells much faster and it'll be easier." The archduke explained. He fiddled with something in his hands before giving the item to me. 

"Wear this too. It's a magic device to help you regulate your mana while you still have weak stamina." It's a simple necklace with a little round black gem in the middle. A glint flashed for a second before disappearing. I nodded and wrapped the chocker-like necklace around my neck. It's light... and it fits me perfectly in that it doesn't feel uncomfortable when moving. It's made out of fabric so it's soft, well, except for the gem. 

A cool feeling passed through my veins. I originally felt like there was a knot near my heart. I felt relieved after wearing the stabilizer. It seemed the uncomfortable feeling was my mana... I closed my eyes and tried to feel my mana flow. It is indeed much calmer than before. I used to feel as if my mana flow got stuck on several parts of my body, especially near my chest area. All of that disappeared. 

"Do you feel much better?" The archduke asked when I raised my head in awe of the device. "It seemed it did. That's good. They did better this time." A look of satisfaction showed up on his face. 

"Alright then. Let's start." 


Hi! It's been a while! I think I've been away for a few months..? So here are two chapter updates. I've been busy with school so I won't be updating much (Not like I do update much... My updating schedule's whenever I feel like writing...)

And if you're still reading this book, Thank you, Thank you, THANK YOU SO MUCH! I hope you're still enjoying the story and Love lots! <3333

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