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The Barrier... 

No way...

No way, No way, No way!!!

I hurriedly got down from my horse and entered the now-ruined mansion of the Steros Duchy. Crumbled walls greeted my sight at every corner and words were caught up my throat. No way... This can't be happening... The Duchy that had been standing majestically a moment ago was unrecognizable now. I ran as fast as I could to the study where my brother had originally stayed behind. I shouldn't have left him behind, I shouldn't have..!

Just as I was about to reach the floor where my brother's study was, I heard a faint sob. 

The Princess held her head low and sobbed as she caressed my brother's cheeks. Her body was engulfed in black flames as she cried. My heart dropped and I staggered onto my brother. No... No way...

"No way..." I let out in disbelief. "There's no fucking way this is happening..! This must be a dream. It must be a dream. A nightmare, right?" I looked pleadingly at the princess and she looked despairingly at me... "... Please... I beg you, Your Highness. Tell me it's a terrible dream..!" She only reached out and put Draegan's hand on my trembling hand, as if telling me everything was fine. Just like how my brother used to do... But this time, the hand on top of my hand is cold. I cried like a child. 

"Draegan... No... You must be kidding, right? What am I to do without you..?! Wake up!!! Wake up, you idiot..."

I looked at the princess. She continued to look down and silently held my brother's head. My heart filled with an unfair anger. Truthfully, I blamed her. I blamed everything that happened today on her. From the charging knights, my knight order's betrayal, the fall of Steros, and... my brother's death... How can she have the nerve to hold my brother when she is the one who caused all of this misfortune to happen? If she hadn't come here if she hadn't met my brother...

"I'm sorry..." The Princess' hoarse voice rang out amid the silent tragedy. Taken aback, my tears dried as if I had awoken from my dazed stupor. She slowly raised her eyes at me, baring the unveiled emotions in her eyes—agony, guilt, and... anger. Anger at what..? " I know you blame me... I, too, blame myself. I wonder, had I not pleaded that he let me stay, had I not met him... would all this..?" voice trailing off, the Princess chuckled painfully. She's taking the words right out of my mouth. I stared at her with red eyes, tears attempting to fall again. 

Ah. It was anger at herself...

Right... If only... If only I could ever blame you...

"Nevan." My brother called me as I started walking towards the door getting myself ready to face the charging troops. I looked back at him, annoyed. What is he stopping me for..? We have no time.

"What?" I asked, staring squarely at him, squinting my eyes, and urging him to answer hurriedly. He only chuckled briefly before moving forward and standing in front of me.

"I know how hot-headed you are." He sighed and put a hand over my shoulder. "You're lively. Too lively that I worry how to tell you not to constantly find yourself in fights." He looked away in melancholy as I shook his hand away. 

"What is it?" I urged as he only laughed at my impatience. 

"Well... I just want to say that if ever I'm gone, please don't blame anyone..." He looked outside the window and I frowned trying to make sense of what he was saying.

"Brother, what in the world-"

"I'm serious, Nevan." He turned around and looked straight into my eyes. "With your personality, I know for sure, you'll go about blaming just anyone for my death. I don't want that... Please, Nevan. This is the only thing I wish for you."

I stood there. Firmly. I felt confused as to why he was saying those things. I wanted to confront him and tell him not to think about those things. That he'll live long, so long that his black hair would turn completely white... But, how can I..? Seeing how serious he was being, I couldn't utter a single word that I wanted to say in the end... "Then... If I don't blame anyone, what should I do..?" 

"..." Silence filled the room and a strange foreboding feeling overcame me...

"... Protect them, Nevan. In my place, protect them" Leaving those vague words, Draegan looked outside again, donning an indescribable expression...

Had you known, Brother..? That this would happen?

How could you be so cruel, my brother? If you had known, can't you at least give a head's up..? Why must you... Why must you make me experience this pain... It's so unfair. I can't even blame someone... 

"Nevan! Nevan!" Draegan's childish voice echoed in my ears. "Look! I made this! Isn't it cool?!" He showed the thread bracelet he made with his chubby hands. "I made one for you too! now we'll be together always! HAHA!" I looked at him and stated.

"Isn't it a little too big?" Draegan looked at the bracelets he made and laughed. "Right?! Then we should wear this when we get older, Alright? I'm sure it'll fit by then!"  I nodded at his suggestion and smiled. 

"Right. Let's wear this when we get older so that no matter how far we are, we'll be together right here." I said as I pointed at where I thought my heart was.  Draegan giggled as he nodded childishly " Okay!"

"No matter where we are or how far apart we are, we'll be together, always, because we have this!"    

"No matter where we are or how far apart we are, we'll be together, always, because we have this."  

I looked at the bracelet he made when we were young.


You'll be watching, right? Brother? So if you wanted me to protect the one I will blame, I'll do it. 

Because that's what my brother want.

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