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"Things are not always what they seem; the first appearance deceives many; the intelligence of a few perceives what has been carefully hidden."

- Phaedrus


Lotusfalle... A type of plant monster that usually lives in lakes and still bodies of water as long as it's off cool temperature. It lures its prey by disguising itself as a beautiful lotus flower and drags it to drown using its strong vines that are hidden by the lily pads above the surface of the body of water...

So I've become prey, huh?

I WANNA SCREAM!! But I can't as I'm drowning! How stupid of you Morticia! The place, the temperature, plus it's secluded too... It's the perfect habitat for this monster to reside! Trying to get the vines off of me was futile. Gritting my teeth, I tried to think of a way to get out of this monster's hold but nothing comes to mind. I have no weapon in hand, not even a single hairpin.

My parasol was left near the lake when I went nearer. I didn't even have time to alert the maids. I had a bell which I used to call them, If I had only brought it with me when I went nearer, It would've at least jingled and I would have a tiny bit of hope that they heard it but no. I didn't bring it, and that was very stupid of me.

There are times that I despise being powerless... And that time includes this. I am very frustrated that I can't even defend myself with this low-class monster! If only I have even the tiniest bit of mana, then I can at least defend myself with it... I thrashed and tried to kick it, punch it, even bite it. I'm desperate! I had abandoned the thought of not letting water inside my mouth. I just wanted to getaway! Why can't I just peacefully do that?!

Why is there even a monster on the royal grounds?! Did one of those maniacs try to make this monster a pet?! Is this the reason this artificial lake was made?!

Thrashing and trying to get away took a toll on my body. My hair is getting away in my eyes and my oxygen level is running low! I'm running out of oxygen and there are no signs of getting the vines to let go of me. I can't breathe... Water has been filling up my lungs since earlier... My eyes are sore and my heart hurts...

The water's been restricting my lungs and my body felt numb. I have no strength left in my body. My hands only weakly pounded at the vines in a desperate attempt to get them off. My vision's slowly blurring and I think I'm seeing things...

You know when you're at the brink of death you start to have thoughts of regrets you have while living? I regret not improving my stamina... I regret not even at least punching my brothers in the face... I regret not disobeying my father at least once... If I had known this is how I'd die, I wouldn't have left my room... This damn monster...

I'm slowly getting dragged deeper into the depths of the lake... With the last bit of time I have left before my consciousness fades, I stared at the light hitting the water. Did the gloomy weather already pass? There's a figure standing near the lake... Mom... Is that you... I miss you...

Mom... If you're there... Please help me... I don't want to die... I wanna live long and free and peacefully...! That's the only thing I want to do... But why can't I achieve that?

'Heavens... Are you forsaking me?'...

... I thought as my vision turned black.


A/n: The sketch at the beginning is made by me. I feel like this chapter is kinda short... Anyways, thanks for reading! Love lots❤❤❤.

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