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I felt an indescribable pressure after I said the word 'out' but everything brightened up a few moments later and the pressure disappeared. I found myself sprawled onto the ground and the red witch calling for me. I quickly got up and went nearer the red witch. She asked me If I'm alright and why I suddenly stumbled on the ground. I told her I accidentally did the second option which made her panic. She asked me if it was successful and I told her it was. She seemed relieved by it.

"Then, Morticia, try communicating with the creature in your mind." I nodded and close my eyes before calling out 'Fenrir'.

'Are you there?' I asked waiting for an answer.

'Princess?' Fenrir's raspy voice echoed in my mind a few minutes later. 

'Oh, hi. I was just checking if the mind link worked. I seemed to like it did.' I heaved a sigh of relief. I didn't suffer for nothing. 'By the way, Fenrir, You can't read my mind whenever I'm not calling for you, right?' I nervously awaited his answer it would be bad if he does...

'Don't worry princess, your private thoughts are safe as long as you don't call for me.' I felt relieved after he said that. I bid him goodbye and dismissed him.

"Was it a success?" The red witch asked as I opened my eyes. I nodded indicating that I had succeeded. She smiled brightly seeing my response. I felt happy too. I passed a test that's said to be difficult for most magicians. I guess it's something to be proud of. The red witch told me that that was enough for today and I should go and rest. I told her that I'm not tired yet so she let me stay until noon.


"...I really shouldn't have left there in such a hurry" The red witch gritted her teeth in anger as she watched the scene of Morticia getting beaten up and framed. She concealed herself while looking at the tall glass windows of the throne room. Her blood boiled seeing the girl she just talked to a while ago being heartlessly beaten up and cursed at by her wretched father. She was flaring up but she couldn't rashly go in there and help... It'll blow up her cover and might do more harm than good for the girl.

All she could do was watch and pray that the girl's father would stop. It was a coincidence that the Second Princess of the royal family arrived. As far as the red witch knew, the second princess wasn't close with Morticia so there's no reason to help. The red witch didn't think too much into that though. She's just relieved someone helped...

Half an hour later and Princess Genevere finally convinced the king. Morticia was dragged out of the throne room. The red witch felt so helpless. Just like that time... The scene she witnessed took a toll on her and she stayed outside the throne room's window, still concealing herself. It took a while for her to finally go into Morticia's room and see how the girl was faring. The red witch was greeted by the girl's sobs in the dark room. The red witch called for the girl and the girl looked up. Seeing the witch made her cry even harder, her sobs are unrestrained.

The witch felt a stinging pain in her heart. Seeing this girl cry made her remind of the past. Her heart felt like it was being squeezed and trampled down by a hundred horses. She didn't know how to comfort someone, after all, she's the coldhearted witch that everyone hates. Comforting a person was at the bottom of the list of things she could do. She didn't say anything and only hugged the sobbing girl.  Rubbing her back occasionally, trying to give her the security she's finding.

The witch has only known her for a few days yet she felt a strong connection with this child. Is it because the girl reminds her of her past self? The witch didn't know. She didn't care. All that she wanted was to protect and to do whatever this girl wishes. That's why when the girl asked the witch to help her escape the prison-like palace, she inwardly vowed to do all that she can to make it come true...


" By the way, Morticia. What exactly is your plan?" The red witch remembered what had happened a few days ago and again promise to do whatever Morticia wants. The girl wanted to escape but the witch wonders if she had plans regarding this. The girl paused her training and look at the red witch. She thought for a moment and told the witch about the plan.

" Father's going to send me to Ostalia. My father probably won't let what happened a few days ago spread throughout the empire so he'll make me use the usual route so that people won't suspect anything. If it's that, We'll be going for Adala then the forest boundary of Centuria and Ostalia, the Klaus duchy after, and finally the capital city of Ostalia where I'd be sent." She first explained her father's plan then next, hers. 

"If possible I wanted to stage an attack on the forest boundary since I'd be heavily guarded going to Ostalia so that it'll be easier to escape the eyes of the guards and successfully escape. But if that's not possible, I'll need to somehow trick them into thinking I was in the carriage but that'll be hard..." Morticia frowned trying to think of other plans.

"You don't need to do that, I can summon large-scale monsters to stage the attack." The witch said which made Morticia relieved.

"Well then, After escaping the eyes of the guards, we're going to use your teleportation skill to get to Klaus to change our clothes and head abroad. I already saved the money and I can work to earn money when we get there. Well, that is if we successfully escape in which I hope we do." The girl smilingly said. The red witch knew that the girl was just trying to be optimistic. the witch thought she didn't need to do that though. Whatever it is that the girl wants, she'll do whatever it takes to make it come true, including this escape journey...

"Don't worry, Morticia, It'll all be fine."


Ooooh! Could the witch have the same experience as Morticia?

 Well, read more to find out! 

Thank you for reading the chapter! I forgot the witch's name so I've been calling her 'The Red witch'. I should make a list of their names... Anyway, Love lots! and I hope you enjoyed reading the story so far! 

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