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10 years.

I've been in this horrifying place for ten whole years...


I sat in front of the vanity mirror in my room, my mind blank. I arrived at my room earlier in the afternoon feeling quite drained at the interaction I had with my father. I sighed feeling pathetic. Every time... I still haven't let go of that fear... I buried my face into my palms as tears slowly flowed out of my eyes. I can hear the screams echoing just outside my room. I quietly sobbed knowing that I can't do anything to help that poor person who's caught up in my family's whims.

The screams went farther and farther as my tears gradually lessened and stopped. I looked up and saw my blue orbs staring back at me. They remind me of mother... I grabbed the wooden brush in front of me and straightened my back as I brushed my luscious white hair. Humming to the tune of a lullaby my mother used to sing. Humming my way into lessening the pain in my heart...

I sighed as I closed my eyes while still humming...

'Stay here Ticia, alright. Hmm? Mom will be back, okay? Whatever you hear outside, do not come out unless I tell you to, do you understand?'


'Please, Your Majesty, I can explain- ack!'


'Let go! Let me go--'

I abruptly opened my eyes as my humming abruptly came to an end. My hands are shaking, the familiar fear came up to me and filled my whole being as my hands tightly clenched the hairbrush I am holding. Tears again flowed out of my eyes more rapidly than ever. It's been 10 years... 10 years since that happened and yet... It's still vivid...

I carefully put the brush down as I slowly got up and went to my bed. The soft and downy bed engulfed me as my consciousness faded and fell into a slumber...


I opened my eyes as darkness greeted me. Where am I? Why is it so dark? I felt my way to determine where I am. It's cramped in here... Like a closet...? I looked in front of me and saw a  tiny gap within the place I'm in. It looks like it's made of wood... I drew my eyes near the gap. It's just enough for my eyes to see what's outside.

Steps can be heard outside, like someone running. A woman came rushing inside and opened the doors to the place I'm in. I can't see her features. It's blurry... The woman immediately hugged me tightly as she whispered to my ear.

"Stay here Ticia, alright?" Mom...? Ticia... Only mom would call me that...
I can't hear the rest of her words my mind became blank. I can't think of anything. Mom... She suddenly got up and closed the doors to the closet. I can't move all of a sudden. I want to move! Please! Mom! Don't go!

A loud bang startled my whole being as dread rushed through my whole body. I panicked as I knew exactly what will happen next. My mind's racing at the thought of my mother. Tears rapidly flowed out of my eyes as I badly wanted to get out of here... But I can't.

That man... That wretched man slapped my mother, the sound echoed in the walls of this tiny room and my mother fell to the floor. I can't do anything as my mother begged and begged for that bastard to have mercy. I wanted to scream and tell the cursed man to take it all unto me but I can't... I can't. I can't even do anything as that man dragged my helpless mother by the hair. My mother cried and begged for him to let go and I tried to muffle the screams and sobs threatening to get out of my mouth... I am helpless and pathetic as I heard my mother's screams echoing through the large halls...

I am only eight years old at that time, and yet I knew what became of my mother. Without even hearing it directly from others, even though my still innocent mind keeps denying it, I knew deep in my heart that my mother's gone and I can't do anything for I am but a child...


I slowly opened my eyes as I stared at the ceiling, tears still flowing out of my eyes. It's just a dream... It's midnight... The still and quiet night is peaceful... The complete opposite of my emotions and mind. I slowly got up and went near the windowsill. I stared at the garden that can be seen in my room. The vast plains beyond that can be seen in my window view too. My heart slowly calmed down and my anxious mind finally felt a temporary peace. My tired eyes blankly stared at the starry night sky.

... I shouldn't worry, I'll be able to get away...

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