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"Marie..." Lady Ticia called as I entered her bedroom carrying the tea I prepared for her.

"Yes, my lady? Do you need anything?" I asked setting the teapot and teacup on a small table near the window of the room. My lady sat in the chair staring pensively outside at the seemingly endless white plains. She seemed to hesitate about something. I decided to quietly wait for what she had to say.

"Marie," Lady Ticia slightly opened her mouth, calling me, turning her beautiful turquoise eyes and looking into mine earnestly."...Can you keep a secret for me?"


I looked into the notice board bearing the luxurious missing person poster. It was a typical black-and-white poster of a person, which I might have ignored if not for the person being Lady Ticia...

I grimaced and tried to keep my cool. It's just as my lady said... truly, they're trying to find her. I tried to wipe off the sweat formulating on my forehead as nonchalantly as possible.

"I-is it just me or is the weather getting quite warm..?" I mumbled to myself to keep myself from getting too nervous. I then pretended to look at the notices, scrutinizing each of them seriously (though truthfully speaking I didn't read anything because of my nervousness) before pasting them back in a manner that would cover the missing person poster.

With one last look, I made sure my work was flawless. I sighed quietly before walking away. Covering the poster might not hinder those trying to find Lady Ticia, but I hope it will stall them for a bit...

I arrived at the house I was living with my sister after walking for 30 minutes. I carefully opened the door, afraid I'd wake my little sister. I walked silently into the kitchen and set the things I bought on the table. While I busied myself in the kitchen, I heard the bed rustle and a weak voice sounded in the room.

"...Sister?" I looked towards the bed and smiled. There sat a girl covered in a blanket, her aquamarine eyes still drooping from wanting to go back to sleep. Her rose-pink hair flowed in messy waves. Her skin was flawless and pale as a lily crowned in the moonlight, with a delicate nose bridge and supple red lips. Truly, She's the most adorable and beautiful little sister! She's only sixteen but already has a beauty that could destroy nations!!!

"You're awake." Feeling all my worries melt away, I went near her and peeled an apple. She gave a hmm sound and reached for the glass of water near her bed. I gave her the peeled apples I bought and told her of the happening on my way home.

"Really, sister? You spent ten whole copper coins for a mere apple?" My adorable sister looked at me in disdain and I felt as if an arrow pierced through my heart. "It tastes the same except this one's slightly, and only slightly, sweeter." And now a second blow to my heart...

"C-can you go easy on me..?" I mumbled as I coughed a few times, and scratched the back of my head in embarrassment. My sister looked at me judgementally and I sighed resignation. She then looked away and I busied myself in the kitchen.

"Well, I was hoping It'll strengthen your body a bit, y'know" I tried to explain while I arranged the things I bought. I heard the rustle of bedsheets and the chair pulled away from the dining table.

"I know you're doing this for my sake but... our budget is tight. There are too many bills and you're the only one working your butt off while I can't do anything due to how frail I am..." Hearing a little pout at the statement my cute little sister said, I felt a little soft-hearted and also a bit sad. Turns out she's worrying about our finances though it really isn't needed. Our current life isn't as bad as what we had previously. It's ten times much better... I sighed.

"Didn't I tell you already?" I started as I looked and went near her. "You don't need to worry about anything. No one will take you away because we can now live for ourselves without worrying too much about money. Look, I'm even working for the duke's mansion these several months!" I smiled as brightly as I could, trying to cheer my little sister up.

"So don't be upset, alright? hmm? My little Viviana!" I then ruffled her hair while she grumbled.

"Gosh, Sister! I'm already sixteen! I'm not a child anymore!!!" Viviana tried to swat my hand away while reprimanding me. I only laughed at how cute she was.

"Plus I'm not even upset, just worried..." I giggled at her mumbles.

After our little scuffle, I went on and did the pending house chores when a sudden knock echoed from the door. I immediately wiped my hands as I was initially washing dishes. Who could it be? I don't think I have anyone visiting today plus it's already close to dinner. It's somewhat strange...

"Vivi, can you peel the potatoes? I'll cook something up with this for dinner." I said to my sister as I walked towards the door.

Well, it must be our neighbor... I then grabbed the handle then slowly opened the wooden door of our humble abode.

"Hello, how may I--" I started and never finished what I had to say as I stood frozen with our door wide open revealing our visitor.

"...Sister?" My sister seemed to notice something as she called out to me with a hint of worry in her voice. My eyes widened at the obvious weapon in his hands. A knife... My knees trembled while I tried to appear calm. I gripped the handle of the door I was still holding tighter.

"W-what can I do for you, Good Sir?" I asked stutteringly then smiled as brightly as I could hoping that the man carrying what seemed to be a recently sharpened knife currently in our doorway would leave.

He smiled sinisterly like a demon coming from the deepest depths of hell.

Then, amid the gradually darkening sky, His voice, gentle as an angel's flowed out from his grinning mouth.

"Well, Miss, do you perhaps happen to know this person?" He said raising the missing person poster I had thought I stealthily covered a while ago.

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