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I woke up with my fatigue-ridden body laid in bed stiffly. I opened my eyes to see the bright morning sunlight greet my eyes which temporarily blinded me. Squinting my eyes, I moved my body slightly to the side only to realize that a person was sitting beside the bed, sleeping. I lay there motionless, afraid to wake up the person. Where am I? Has he here been this whole time..? Who is this guy? He looks older than me. Maybe a few years older? He's pale... It contrasted with his black hair... He had a straight nose, flawless skin, and sharp jaw... 

I stared at him taking in the view in front of me... Gosh, he's handsome... He looked so peaceful sleeping... He had long eyelashes and I had to fight the urge to touch them... I don't know how long I've been staring at him but he must've subconsciously felt my gaze as his eyelashes fluttered softly before revealing the fiery, ruby-red orbs hiding underneath.

 I let out a soft gasp unknown to me as I became mesmerized by him. The gentle aura that he exuded a while earlier now had a hint of danger to it with the addition of his eyes. I can't take my eyes off of those red eyes... He cleared his throat indicating that I have been making him uncomfortable and I shifted my gaze away from him, feeling my cheeks burn. He shifted in his seat and was now the one staring at me as I avoided his intense gaze.

"So... Why is the princess here in Ufudra?" He asked which made me turn abruptly to him. I stared at him shocked. How did he... Was he Father's minion..? I thought of the worst as I tried to calm my ever-erratic heart. I tried to mask the fear in my eyes as best as I could. I can't waste all that I did to get away from that God-forsaken place. I straightened my back and tried to appear as calm as possible.

".. What do you mean?" I asked gripping the blanket tightly, hoping that he was just guessing and is just trying to confirm my identity. After all, I remember making myself look different with a spell... " I'm not a princess--"

"You may have been able to fool others but not me. That spell isn't powerful enough to fool me. Besides," He paused as he leaned towards me and I backed away feeling cold sweat running down my back. " You just had mana reflux, of course, that spell would be nulled as you have no control of your mana." explaining why that measly spell cannot fool this dangerously handsome specimen of a man.

"So, why would a princess of the Mortem Imperial Family run away from home?" He persisted, pressing onto the matter as I tried to avoid his gaze. He continued staring and my heart beat rapidly. The silence in the room added to my nervousness. I hoped he wouldn't continue on this matter. Please..! 

"If you don't tell me, I've no choice but to inform the Emperor that his daughter is in my territory. He must've been worried sick," He said and I felt a slight tone of mockery in his voice... "After all, I don't want a skirmish between me and the Emperor. It'll be disadvantageous for my territory."

I gulped at the things he said. I gripped the blanket tightly. He can't tell my father. My father can never know I'm here. He can't know where I am otherwise all my plans will be for naught!!! I abruptly took hold of his hand, squeezing it tightly as I made my desperate attempt at begging him.

" PLEASE DON'T TELL MY FATHER! Please... I'm begging you, please..! I planned for this escape my entire life, I can't let my father know where I am. My father shouldn't know where I am otherwise I'm doomed. All the things I did to escape that God-forsaken place will be for nothing!.. Please... Please..." Tears welled up in my eyes as I tried to explain why my father can't know where I am.  All the fear and anxiousness that bubbled up inside me burst into the form of tears. I squeezed the large hand tightly as if I'm grabbing onto the last thread of hope. hoping it'll save me. Afraid I'll fall into oblivion if I let go. 

My sobs filled the quiet room and I fear he would disregard my pleas and still tell my father I'm here, hiding, escaping from that hellhole. I'm losing hope... What if he's on my father's side? I'm scared... please...

"... Alright but let me go first." His voice resounded and my tear-filled eyes looked into his. His eyes are cold... I reluctantly let go of his hand and wiped my tears away. "You're not going to tell my father..?" I asked looking for assurance. He nodded and raised his hands to tuck the hair that was obstructing my vision in my ears. His eyes were still cold, yet I felt relieved. This is strange... I believe this is the first time we've ever talked but I felt safe by his side... With his words, my ever worrying heart calmed down... What is this feeling..?

he stood up from his seat and went to the door. My eyes followed him as I tried to make sense of this strange feeling. He seemed familiar too... As my thought wandered about, his soothing voice resounded in the room again, "I'll have the nanny make something for you to eat. Eat it and rest. You're still weak from the mana reflux." I nodded at his reminder and he left.

This is strange, my heart feels warm... Is the mana reflux acting up again..?

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