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Genevere Kalie Mortem, the only daughter of Empress Serina, the second princess, youngest of the children of the Empress...

... And the one I might bring myself to hate for foolish reasons.


Time quickly went by as I stared in front of the mirror. I didn't even know that the sun's rays have long been up in the sky and only came to my senses when a maid came in. I blankly followed the maid into the bathroom and undressed then plunged myself into the warm water. My mind kept on reliving what happened earlier... I'm scared... The warmth of the bath couldn't replace the fear I felt earlier. My carefully hidden fears burst out and now won't go hidden. I am afraid of what might happen next... I don't want to die...

Come to think of it. I think I am fortunate I lasted the last ten years without mom... After experiencing all kinds of things like the one earlier, I'm quite thankful... I breathed out as I let my maids attend to me. I had my breakfast after I took my bath. I'm still feeling tense as I trod heavily and sat near the window. I often read to pass time so there are a lot of books in my room.

If this was any normal day, I would've read a book by now but it wasn't. The fear still hasn't faded. He has always scared me. The person who can perfectly act however he wants and use it to earn trust, earn sympathy, and make you believe his words and actions are true... To manipulate you...

I was lost in my thoughts when a maid gently knocked on the door. I told her to enter and asked what's the matter.

"The First princess visited, Princess. I have led her to the waiting room" I nodded and told her to lead the way. I entered a room and saw my half-sister sitting on one of the couches in the room. I greeted her and asked why she came to visit. The servants served tea for both of us. Sister held the elaborate teacup in her lips as I ordered the maids to leave us alone.

" The tea's delicious." She stated after taking a sip at the tea. I narrowed my eyes at her noticing how she avoided the question. I straightened my back as I stared at her fluttering, black lashes above obsidian orbs.

"Get to the point, Sister." I snapped with a slight chill to my tone. I stared at her warily. She's the same age as me, just a few months younger. She sighed as she placed the teacup back on its saucer. She then stared back at me before telling me the reason why she's here.

"Father told me to check up on you. I heard you're hurt. What happened?" She furrowed her brows as I looked at her incredulously. Why is she acting like she just knew? She's the first one who would be able to know.

"Tell father not to worry. I won't tell anyone." I said coldly at her while she looked at me, confused. I continued to coldly sit there and not bother explaining anything.

"Morticia, I'm worried about y---"
"Quit the act, Genevere" I coldly interrupted which made her eyes widen in shock.

"Quit acting like you ever cared for me. It doesn't suit you." I spat out, impatiently looking at her. Hearing what I said made her close to tears. Her eyes shook slightly as she tried hard to maintain her composure.

"Morticia, I... Am worried.." she said almost in a whisper. I only gazed slightly at her before turning my head away.

"You should leave, Sister. Tell father not to worry. His reputation won't be harmed." I stated, still not facing her. Minutes passed by yet I still haven't heard the door opening so I turned towards my back and saw her with her head bowed down

"...Why...? Why are you being like this...? I'm only worried for you... Why are you pushing me away...?" Her small voice echoed in this room. I had always resolved myself to not believe in anything they would say. I knew my family all too well. A mere act of compassion is just a piece of cake to copy for them...

I'm wavering...

I again turned my head away from her and tried to harden my wavering heart and resolve.

"I don't need your worries, Genevere, so please go back and tell father I won't ruin his reputation..." I heaved deep breaths as I forced myself to say those words. I don't know what expression she's wearing right now. She became quiet for a moment as I had an internal battle with myself and tried to get these useless emotions out of my system.

"I... See..." She started. Her dejected voice rang in my ears.
"I'll make sure to deliver your message to father, sister..." Continuing the words that she had said, she seemed to have regained her composure as she went out of the room...

I sighed. Feeling all these conflicting emotions within me. I knew that she already knew about the attempted murder incident, even the needle incident... I even knew she's the one who coldly turned her back at me ten years ago as her brother tried to suffocate me to death... With her earth magic enabling her to communicate with plants and animals, there's no way she wouldn't know...

I knew all about that yet I couldn't bring myself to hate her. Should I blame her for siding with her brother by turning a blind eye to what he's doing to me? I don't think so... It's only natural... He's her big brother after all...

... So before I blame my misfortune to you and before I bring myself to hate you, please...

... Stay away from me...

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