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"... What do  you mean, Father?" I asked cautiously which made my father turn his head coldly at me. I keep feeling this ominous aura around me. Don't tell me... 

"Do you not know, Vesh?" Asked my father sternly. " Have you forgotten my first order to you, child?" He asked with his brows raised. Of course not... how could I..? You told me to harm Morticia in hopes that she'll 'accidentally' awaken her powers... I was twelve at that time... But, does that mean Morticia awakened her powers? How? I've been keeping an eye on her, conducted various mana testings, and tried every means to awaken her powers but there weren't any results...

" That girl couldn't possibly have awakened her magic, Father. You know how we tried to do every single thing---" I abruptly stopped what I was saying and clenched my fists as I tried to school my expression. She couldn't possibly have awakened... No, she shouldn't have awakened. If Father tells us to capture her then all the things we did to keep her out of this would be in vain and the plan we painstakingly thought of would be for nothing..! 

"Vesh," My father called me with an unreadable expression on his face. " Are you trying to ruin my plans..?" He continued slowly as the aura of the room grew heavier. I tried to calm myself and ease the uncomfortable feeling of something being stuck in my throat. I still need to stall for time. 

"Of course not, Father," I said as I raised my head calmly. " You know how I feel about that girl, right? I can't get my head around the idea that the girl we believed to be useless would suddenly awaken dark magic." I continued, bidding my time and trying to get the idea of capturing her out of my father's head. My father raised his hand and put it under his chin as if pondering. 

"If what you said is true, then I still need to find her and keep an eye on her." I'm having a hard time breathing. It seems we need to proceed with the plan much faster... We did our best, it was all up to her if she wanted to survive. I do hope she has left the continent already. It'll be harder to track her if she's outside my father's territory... 

"I understand, Father" I stated complyingly and gave a deep bow before bidding my goodbye. I still have a lot of things to worry about. 

To stop this madness,

I need to ascend to the throne, 

no matter what.


" Big sister, Ticia" a cute girl's voice called me as I turned to the young twins sitting across me. We're having tea time and enjoying the snacks the maids prepared. "Try this!" Rosy handed a macaron to me. 

"That one's blueberry-flavored. It's delicious!" Ren's lively reminder resounded as Rose nodded her head and strongly agreed.  

" Really? Should I try it?" I asked the kids, who nodded their heads adorably, and I took a bite out of it. "Mhmm! Renny's right! It is delicious" I stated as I relished the sweet pastry and the aromatic tea. The kids continued talking about various things and their daily life. I giggled at the cuteness they have. 

It's been two weeks since I arrived here in the Steros archduchy. I still can't contact Seraphina. Is it because of the barrier the duchy has? If that's the case then... I need to go outside the barrier to be able to communicate with Seraphina. But the Emperor's knights would easily find me if I hastily go out now. My plan might become useless. I need to think about this carefully... Seraphina must be panicking right now but I have no other way of contacting her.

I don't know if the Emperor would buy that 'accident'. He could be reinforcing the imperial knights to find me. What if he had known about me awakening black magic? So I need to stay here for the time being and think carefully. 

Also since I can't reach Fenrir. I don't know what happened but I can't reach him ever since I had mana reflux. Did... our connection break due o the reflux..? I read about it but if the connection we have is broken, I should be experiencing horrible pain but I don't feel any... I quietly sighed. Where could he be..?

A knock resounded in the room and I told the person to come in. The Nanny entered with a smile as she sees us having tea time. 

"I hope they haven't disturbed you much, My lady." the middle-aged woman said as she tidied up the kids who finished eating.

"Well, they've been keeping me company. I was feeling quite stuffed with only staying in the room." I smiled at the woman and took a final sip of the tea.

"Are you, my lady? Then, do you want to have a walk in the garden? It's kept warm all year round there for the former archduchesses. There are quite a lot of flowers to see!" She suggested and I agreed. With the kids in hand, we headed to the garden

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