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"Father, I participated in making the third brother harass Lady Everett, therefore, shouldn't you punish me too?"

The clear and soft voice echoed calmly in the huge room. An 18-year-old girl stood by the door as vines swayed around her. Her luscious black hair draped around her back and her determined eyes stared straight into her father's eyes.

"Isn't it only fair for you to not make exceptions when punishing? Aren't you a just and wise ruler of this prosperous empire, Father?" Princess Genevere's calm provocation brought a series of colors to my father's face. Although the reaction is quite amusing, I can't help but feel nervous... What are you doing Genevere? You must stop this instant! You're veering into dangerous territory...!

"Therefore I ask of you to punish me too as I have sinned unbeknownst to my knowledge! I beg you, Father. This isn't only Princess Morticia's fault! I am involved too!" Princess Genevere suddenly went on all fours. A loud thud echoed in the silent throne room as I winced at the gesture.

Her expression suddenly changed into that of a girl feeling a stinging pain but is enduring it. It's a pitiful sight that would tug at your heartstrings. People couldn't help but want to protect this pitiful girl. More so for the overprotective siblings, this princess has.

They immediately tried to make her stand but to no avail. She only shook her head and forcefully yanked her brothers' hands off of her. Then looked at them as if to let her be before turning her head towards the emperor. Genevere's eyes glistened with tears as she begged the emperor to be just, fair and wise.

The emperor looked coldly at the girl begging desperately, choking on her words as she sorrowfully tried to convince him to split the punishment. I have been anxious this whole time. Mostly because of what my half-sister is doing. The emperor's eyes shook slightly earlier. I know he's wavering that's why I knew she'll succeed but... There's still this growing chain of what-ifs that made me anxious.

"Please, Father. Please don't hurt my sister... It's all my fault... I was the one who suggested it... Please, Father, I'm begging you..." Genevere purposefully trailed off her voice as she sobbed heartbreakingly making the last bit of restrain in the emperor vanish.

The emperor knelt in front of Princess Genevere and showed a rare gentle look as he soothed the crying princess. I was shocked. The picture in front of me showed a loving father soothing his crying daughter who he loved the most... I unconsciously gripped my dress as I bowed my head further trying to restrain whatever useless emotion I am feeling with this scene.

I successfully pushed those feelings out of my mind. Barely. I heaved heavy breaths as my face swelled up from the beatings I received earlier. I slowly raised my hand and carefully touched my wounds. I am once again reminded of how horrible my treatment is in this castle and how foolish I am to feel those emotions earlier.

Genevere finally stopped crying and was propped up by Father. He turned towards me and my twin, his gaze immediately turned cold. He cleared his throat before declaring my punishment.

"You'll be leaving for the borders in Ostalia next week. Until then, you're not allowed to step foot outside your room and neither are you allowed to have a single drop of water nor a single piece of bread. I believe that's an adequate punishment, my child?" Asking Princess Genevere, his face softened.

"Yes, Father, I believe so too. You are truly a wise and just ruler, Father. Our great empire will prosper even more with your reign!" The princess's face brightened up and her once sorrowful demeanor slowly vanished. She flashed a weak yet bright smile. The emperor's eyes gentled seeing his daughter's lively smile. The emperor immediately told Genevere's brothers to take her to rest. The willful princess then vanished as quickly as she arrived and the atmosphere turned cold... again...

"You're lucky Genevere came to your rescue. That naïve child... If it weren't for her, I wouldn't make your punishment any lighter." He said disapprovingly as he stared at the door Genevere went out with. I still knelt on the floor with my hands tightly gripping the fabric of my dress and turning my knuckles white.

He dismissed Grendel earlier with Genevere and all the other people went out so I'm left alone with father. I stayed silent as it hurt to open my mouth. Everything in my face is swollen... He seemed to be annoyed by that since he started grumbling.  

"You better not do this again Morticia. You've cost the reputation of your brother and me. You are already useless yet you go around causing trouble. Get out. You're dismissed. I can't look at your face any longer." I silently stood up and bid my goodbyes politely after hearing that.

The walk on the way back was quick. I haven't bumped into anyone. Not the maids or the knights. Not even my siblings. It was a quiet and painful way back. It feels desolate. 

You still haven't asked for my side, Father...

Locking the door behind me, all the strength left in my body faded as I collapsed right then and there. All the emotions that I pushed away earlier came rushing back to me like a tidal wave crashing into my very being.

Tears welled up my eyes as I silently sobbed through my painful face. Memories of the earlier happenings flashed through my mind. My brother's change, my father's hits, genever's arrival, the difference in treatment... I repeatedly hit my chest trying to stop the throbbing pain in my heart.

This is the first time my brother initiated the framing. It was always first and second brothers. I don't mind if it's them. I don't care if they all turn their backs on me just not my twin... I don't care if you hate me just don't abandon me... Please...

The night turned to dawn and the dark sky started to lighten up. I sobbed and sobbed just to get that pain out of my chest... I don't care if my father only adores Genevere. I can endure his beatings just, please...

Even if I beg like that and cry sorrowfully and pitifully in front of them like what Genevere did, It wouldn't work. I knew that yet there's still this part of me that hopes... and yearns... That's why I'm crying like this after realizing again and again after all the things that I have gone through... After all the reality checks I had to go through...

... That I have already been abandoned.

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