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"... Who are you..?" The girl in my arms said as she gently caressed my face before losing consciousness. Her luscious white hair gently swayed with the cold wind, and it made her face look unusually pale. With the miles of white, this place has I almost mistook her for a winter fairy... I shook my head as I immediately carried her inside the mansion. I need to tend to her before her condition worsens.

 Although I've already stabilized her mana flow, mana reflux is quite a problematic illness as we need to continuously absorb the patient's overflowing mana and stabilize it until the patient regains enough strength to control her mana flow. This is one of the reasons why most patients with mana reflux die, and because mana reflux exhausts strength in the patient. If not treated, it would be a never-ending cycle of absorbing and releasing mana at a rapid pace but the mana absorbed never reaches their mana containers. 

I asked the maids to clear one of the guest rooms and laid her on the bed. I Sighed. Even a high-level magician can't continuously absorb mana otherwise their mana container would explode... Luckily for this girl, my mana container is as vast as the ocean... well that may be an exaggeration but it is big. enough to cure her who has an unbelievable amount of mana in her. 

I sat next to her and started absorbing the overflowing mana again until it stabilizes. It's been three days since her arrival. I never left her side fearing that she'd die if I was gone for even a second. It's weird... I could just leave for a moment and I'm certain nothing would happen but I always find myself hesitating. 

Is it a sense of responsibility since I found her on my territory, unconscious? I snorted at the thought. I was never that kind of man. It's just that this pull of sorts makes me unable to leave her. Plus, It's strange how I never suspected her of anything these past few days. Now that I think of it, white hair is unusual in Ufudra or even in Solaria. The only people with white hair are the imperial family. but why would an imperial family member appear here?

I walked to the window in the room. It overlooked the place where I first found her, near the barrier I set up around the mansion. That day, I felt a strong invisible force as she went through the barrier. I can't explain in words what I felt at the time... it's strange. Lost in thought, I stared at the view outside the window, not even noticing the twins with a mop of black hair, nearing the sleeping girl.


"Rose, Rose! look look! She has white hair!" I heard a cut boy's voice as I tried to open my eyes. I've been in and out of consciousness and I remember hearing voices like these from time to time. I still can't open my eyes. I'm too tired...

"Yeah," a cute high-pitched voice agreed and giggled. " It's white... like rabbit fur! rabbit's fur is soft, like Mary's. I wonder if the lady's hair is soft too... I want to touch it..." I laughed inwardly at their childish conversation. It's too cute!

"You can't, I mean, I want to touch it too but Uncle said we can't. The lady is sick you know." The boy reminded his sister with his childish voice and the girl dejectedly accepted. They talked about various random things by my side though I'm again on the verge of losing consciousness. I tried to move sightly but it made things uncomfortable and groaned slightly. The kids must've heard it since they called someone. 

" Uncle, Uncle! The lady moved! come on, look at her!" The kids simultaneously called to their uncle. I'm still feeling uncomfortable but it's extremely hard to move my body. It's like I'm paralyzed..? 

A cold hand rested on my forehead and wiped the sweat that accumulated on my forehead as he shifted my body in place. I felt much more comfortable after that and the last thing I heard after that was a soothing voice gently reprimanding the kids...

I opened my eyes and found myself in a pitch-black place. Where am I again? Where's Fenrir? it dawned on me there that I haven't seen or heard of Fenrir. Even Seraphina too... Fenrir disappeared after I crashed on the ground that time... Uneasiness grew in my heart.

"Fenrir? Fenrir! Where are you?!" I called into the black void I'm in. My voice echoed back and no one answered. I can't feel him... Was our link destroyed? Did I overuse my mana? Am I dead? 

"Fenrir!!! Where are you?!! Answer me!!!" I called him again but no one answered. I got anxious and my body heated up again. My heart hurts and there's a burning sensation in it. I curled up on the ground unable to keep my feet standing at the unbearable pain I felt. I groaned feeling as if my heart is being stabbed and roasted at the same time. It's getting harder to breathe as time passes by... Help... Please..!

"Shh... It's alright, it's alright... Everything fine..." a deep, soothing voice echoed in my mind. His voice, like the cool winter wind extinguishing the fire in my heart and like a mint-flavored tea relaxes the tension in my head. The pain in my heart subsided and I lay there on the ground, exhausted, and again fell deep asleep.

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