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A look of admiration.

... That's the look they always give my egocentric father whenever he asks about a royal family member.


" Good evening, father. May the everlasting grace of the stars be with you." I greeted as I entered the huge throne room where my father sat, hands under his chin, looking utterly displeased. I gave him a deep bow afraid I'd make his mood worse. Attendants hurried about and my father only ever motioned for me to rise. I did as he wanted and immediately told him what he wanted to hear.

" Sister Morticia is alright, father. She told me to tell you not to worry." Careful with the words I said, I silently inhaled as I tried to calm myself. I maintained my head low as I acted like a respectful daughter. My father remained silent for a while. The attendants were all smiles. Everything seemed so peaceful. If it wasn't for the underlying displeasure seen in the eyes of my father covered in a worried expression.

" I see... How about your brothers, child?" The emperor asked. I gently smiled and told him my brothers are at their palaces. I chatted about how I visited them and had tea with them in the afternoon, acting like an oblivious and naïve child.

"Then, how's your mother, child?" The emperor asked again donning on a look of great concern. I froze but I tried to not show it.
"I heard that the empress still hasn't awoken?"... It's been a year and he still isn't done with this act? Feeling a bubbling sensation slowly boiling from the depths of my gut, I tried my best to school my face into a sad look and acted as if I'm reassuring my father.

" Mother still hasn't woken up, father... But I assure you, mom will wake up soon..!" I acted like an overly optimistic fool in front of my father. Isn't this what you wanted? I thought sarcastically, still smiling from ear to ear. The emperor burst into a low chuckle, chilling every bone in my body. I am afraid that the servants don't seem to share the same sentiment as me. They all looked at my father with great admiration. So much so that it feels very eerie...

My father thanked me and motioned for me to leave and I gave my greetings once again. Never letting my smile fall off until I got out of the huge doors, I left that dreadful room.


That was two days ago. I visited my father to report my visit with my sister. Although I left some details hidden. I was doing my usual schedule and had visited my second brother earlier. I am now on my way to see my first brother. I arrived at his palace and asked the maids where he is. They told me he's in his room. I told them not to inform my brother as I wanted to surprise him.

I arrived at the huge doors to his room and was ready to knock when a blood-curdling scream echoed from inside. Chills immediately ran down my spine and I can feel the blood leaving my face. My brother's disturbing laughter echoed with the screams as the sound of flesh being stabbed over and over again blended with those noises. I stood there, frozen in place. Even though I can't see it happening in front of my eyes, I can imagine the horrified look on the poor servant's face as he witnesses himself being stabbed, again and again, blood splattering in every corner of the room...

I came back to my senses and immediately schooled my face when I felt the door opening. The knight who opened the door looked shocked seeing me there. They immediately gave me their greetings and rushed outside. I can see blood splatters on them... I turned to look at my brother and found out he looked worse.

His hair was disheveled, his white shirt soaked in blood, and the dagger in his hand is still dripping with blood. Dark red liquid filled the room's marble floors... There were three corpses... That person I heard earlier wasn't the only one... The rustic stench of blood filled the room and entered my nose. I tried hard not to gag and vomit. I became nauseous but I still tried to keep my composure.

"Genevere? Why are you here?" My eldest brother asked as he tried to hug me. I quickly raised my hands telling him not to come near me. He immediately knew what I referred to and he stopped in his tracks wearing a delighted smile.

"I wanted to surprise you, brother. I thought we could enjoy some tea..." I answered weakly. There's this faint noise in my ears. Like voices... I paid it no mind and continued to talk to my brother.

"... But it seems that you're busy, brother. I'll just come back once you've cleaned this mess." I gave him a sweet smile and tried to turn around.

" Well, I can clean this up later, we can go to the waiting room. Why don't you stay?" He said as the ringing in my ears won't stop but gradually became louder and clearer. I didn't answer my brother's question. He probably took it as me thinking about what he said. I then noticed the open window behind him as a bird, a few meters away, looked directly into my eyes. At that moment I knew what the voices were saying.

'Morticia almost drowned'


" I think I'll have to come back tomorrow. You should clean this mess first. The sun's almost down anyway and I think I'll have to return to my palace now. You don't want me to get sick do you?" I tried to act cutely attempting to get away as fast as I can. It seemed to work. My brother chuckled and made me go home patting my head with his bloodstained hand. I didn't care about the blood on my hair anymore. There are many more important things to do...

... I have no time to be disgusted.

MorticiaTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang