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The clapping of hooves echoed in the quiet path to the forest. Cricketing of crickets and the birds' chirp filled my ears as I languidly set my eyes outside the carriage window in which knights with the imperial insignia surrounded. Meadows with grass greener than anything I've ever seen and flowers that complement the vivid color stretch for miles on end. On the horizon, stretches tall, dark green trees towering people in its wake.

15 days. From Centuria's capital city to Ostalia's Royal palace, it takes 15 days for a carriage to travel. It's now the 8th day since we left for Ostalia. We're nearing the forest border. That means we'll be able to execute the plan in the middle of the forest soon. Though I'm very nervous, I can't let my emotions cloud over my judgment. I need to make this escape successful at all costs.

'Fenrir' I called. Smoke immediately emerged as a cute wolf cub appeared before me. He can only be in this form since he's in a carriage. Both his other forms are too big. Well, this form's cute and all but...

'Did you call for me, Princess?' Ah, there it is again... The incredibly rough, and not-at-all-suitable-for-this-form voice!

'What do you mean, Princess?'... I forgot he can read my mind...

' ... Can't you also change your voice?' I asked. I really can't listen to his voice in this form. It just doesn't make sense!

'Hey! You do know that's offensive, right?!' He huffed and puffed, protesting injustices at me.

'Well, what am I supposed to do when it just doesn't make sense?! Don't voices change as your body changes? Why don't yours do?!' I shot back, well, silently. May I remind you that all this conversation is happening in our heads so the knights didn't hear a single thing?

'... Never mind that... ' Anyway, we need to work on the plan now.
' It's time.'


Hmm... There's quite a lot. That emperor doesn't want to look bad huh. Well, that doesn't matter. I'm not the great mage of fire for nothing after all. I grinned as I saw the signal the princess and I agreed on. A rose... Don't ask me how she got that flower. I have no idea.

But... I guess I  could start now. I need to give an excellent show after all!
With that, I turned to the group I have summoned. Orcs from various tribes appeared before me. Orcs with clubs, axes, and spiked maces in each hand. Smiling with my dark red lips, I raised my hands.

" Are you ready for another job?"


We entered the forest several moments before. As we went further deep into the trees, signs of life disappeared one by one. The cricketing of crickets, the chirping of birds, the mellow sway of the leaves... It's all still. With no sound nor wind, other than the rhythmic stomping of horse hooves.

The eerie stillness unnerved most knights now. I glanced at the knight just outside the carriage window I'm peering at. He looked unsettled. His brows were furrowed and his face lost its color. I tried my very best to stop myself from laughing. Though it seem I can't take it anymore so I hurriedly closed the blinds.

Laughing quietly inside the carriage, I counted the seconds left before the attack. There are only ten seconds left now. I already sent the signal so they should come any minute.


Worries again flooded my head.


My hands are cold but I ignored them.


Deep breaths, deep breaths...


I stretched my fingers and shoulder and body...







Explosions and shrieks echoed outside. I can hear the splatters of blood dyeing the carriage red. I ignored the commotion outside and changed into commoner clothes and a shabby robe. I tore the clothes I had previously worn and splashed red liquid over them. I guess it looks fine.

The noise on the left side of the carriage died down. The knights must've died or gone to help on the other side. I slowly opened the window and confirmed my guess. Looks like they're all dead. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes preparing to cast a spell.

"Stealth" I whispered as I flicked my fingers. Black smoke surrounded my body forming a layer and making me invisible for a few minutes. This is one of the spells I learned although this spell's still weak it's doable.

I carefully opened the carriage door and stepped on the grass. Swords and axes clashed with one another, screams still echoing. I ran away from there. I ran forward never looking back. I ran as fast as I could getting away from there before they notice my disappearance. I need to getaway.

I changed my shoes earlier so I ran freely. Thank goodness I changed into flats. If I keep going at this pace, I'll be able to meet Seraphina on time and I'll be able to escape successfully. I just needed to hold out a little longer. I felt relief as I saw light coming from a distance. I ran even faster not caring if I get exhausted. I'm near the exit anyway... That's what I thought.

There's a saying that you shouldn't rejoice until the very end when you're sure to know what will happen. I should've done that. I should've been careful. I- It's not the exit... But I'm not regretting it because of that...

I froze almost immediately as I arrived there. My breathing hitched and I can't breathe properly. My heartbeat went faster and that's not only because I ran fast to get here... No...

A low growl echoed as glowing golden eyes can be seen in the bushes. The rustling of leaves unnerved me causing me to break out in cold sweat.

Steps surrounded the forest as the figure of the creature went out of the dark bushes and into the harsh sunlight causing my knees to almost give out. There, stood a big, black wolf, with eyes like gold glowing with menace. His growl grew more fierce as time went by.

I need to get out of here... I need to run. Forcing myself to move, I barely ran before it started chasing me. I ran back and to my right with all my might. My stealth spell had long disappeared and now I'm just running with all my strength for my life.

... What do I do now? I need to get away but it's catching up to me. I gritted my teeth forcing myself to think. My legs are almost giving out..!

... Come on, Morticia! Think! Think!

Suddenly, an idea popped into my head. If this goes well, there's a chance I can escape.

Alright! It's all or nothing!


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