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"An Army?!!" Nevan stood shocked at what the knight said. "Has the Emperor gone mad?! Even if he's the emperor, he can't rashly send armies to the different kingdoms' land! He still has to maintain friendly relations with the rulers he appointed!!!" Nevan exclaimed while I silently went near the window. Long into the distance, an insignia can be seen in the flags floating above the air.

"Nevan... "I called slowly. "It's the Holy Knights. Your Holy Order." Nevan turned to me with a look of confusion.

"The Holy Knights..? But I didn't give any orders..." Nevan trailed off and a look of seriousness enveloped his previously confused one. The atmosphere turned heavy and I turned to the knight who entered earlier.

"Gather and prepare the troops, evacuate all residents of this duchy, and keep them safe... Especially my niece and nephew... Lady Ticia too." I ordered and the knight nodded.

" But what about you, milord..?" I looked at the knight and answered

"...I'll stay here. Now, go do as I say."

"As you wish, Milord!!!"

I then turned to Nevan signaling for him to try and prevent them. He nodded and went out in a hurry. Walking to the shelves in my study, I pressed a gold-encrusted book and the shelves parted and revealed a secret room. I went in and activated all the defense spells I put inside the duchy in case a scenario like this happens. Can't believe I'm already using this...  I then cast the most powerful defense spell I have, an 8-tier defense spell, Mist of Protection.  

A dark mist soon enveloped the entire territory. I then enhanced all the magic devices containing the magic spells with aura. 

I silently looked on ahead and into the marching army approaching my beloved territory.

I sighed gravely. I hope this is enough to protect it...


The Holy Knights... My Order... Why are they doing this?!!! 

I rode the horse I borrowed from the duchy and hurried towards the marching army ahead. I was going to see who was leading the army and hoping that it was no one from my trusted comrades but what was this..? Why was my second-in-command leading the Army..? My most trusted comrade... 

Anger surged through my whole being and I further hurried towards them. The Army halted when I got there and I too stopped. Darren le Doux Argent, my second-in-command, got down from his horse and I did the same. He walked gracefully towards me like a noble and virtuous knight. He had been. I had thought of him to be that until now...

"Darren, what are you doing?" I asked. Trying to hear whatever he is doing this for. He stood still in silence and gripped his sword, ready to strike.

"... Don't get in my way, Nevan... Please." He mumbled quietly, enough for me to hear. Desperation was evident in his voice.

"Why..?" I asked gritting my teeth in fury. I felt betrayed. I trusted him and told him everything about my circumstances. He was my best friend and yet he had the gal to readily attack the ones I loved the most?!! "Why are you doing this?!! Tell me, Darren, Why are you being like this?!!" 

"...I'm sorry, Nevan. I have someone I wish to protect too..." Darren smiled weakly and gripped his sword tighter. He infused mana in his sword and body, strengthening it.

I pursed my lips at what he said. I can't blame him. For the sake of the ones I love, I'll do anything to protect them. "... Is that really what you want? Because if that is, don't blame me for what I'll do." Mana surged through my fingertips and converted it into aura, infusing it in every fiber of my body. I readied myself to attack. 

"I won't let any of you get past here."


Explosions can be heard in all orders of the Steros Duchy. If not for the Barrier spell of the Duchy, it would have collapsed earlier. The Holy Order surrounded the entire duchy, fortunately, most of the duchy's employees have been evacuated from the mansion. Well, most except for me. I held the pendant necklace given to me by Seraphina and tried to contact her in the garden... I can't reach her. 

Now's not the time to dilly-dally. I quickly went inside the mansion and went to my room. I grabbed the necessary stuff and... Ruby. She's tense. I touched her petals and infused my mana power into her.

"Come, Ruby. Let's get out."  Ruby then followed me into the back gate.  Several Employees rushed out of the duchy, trembling in fear as the explosion bombarded the place. In the distance, Sir Kalian can be seen carrying the two trembling kids. They were scared and crying. I hurried after them and asked how they were. 

"We're fine, Lady Ticia, let's now get you to a safe place." Sir Kalian hurried as another wave of explosions erupted. I nodded and was about to follow them when I noticed the archduke being absent. As well as, Nevan... 

"... Sir Kalian. You go ahead." I stated as I prepared to turn around. "Protect the kids, Please, Sir Kalian..." I started and cut my skirt short up to my knees for easier running and covered myself up with the protection spell I learned from the Archduke. 

"Ruby, you stay here too," I said to the undead plant I had grown fond of. "Please protect the kids, won't you?" I asked as I knew she'd be able to protect them well. Ruby, understanding my words, laid her leaves on the ground as if bowing to me. I smiled gently. I caressed the kids' cheeks before letting Ruby cover them with her large leaves acting as a barrier.

"My Lady, you can't!!! It's too dangerous--" Sir Kalian protested but I cut him off.

"It's an order, Sir. I order you to protect the kids, now, go." I then motioned for Ruby to drag him together.  

Seeing them off in this chaotic situation felt bleak...

I once again covered myself with a layer of protection spell.

Don't you dare fight alone, Archduke..!

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