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'The red witch?' The woman with blood-red hair asked and giggled at the nod she received.

' That's a name I once had.' she answered looking at the guy as if he should know her.


" That's one sudden memory..." A woman clad in a velvet red dress, said, as she stood near the lake. Gazing at the lily pads above it, she had a look of disapproval etched on her face. Not having to do anything, my ass. Morticia's drowning and you say I don't have to do anything?! The woman sighed exasperatedly as she furrowed her brows trying to think of a way to help Morticia.

Why did he even send me here when my magic is at a disadvantage to that monster?! I'm the Great Fire Sorceress, not a water mage!! Irritated at the man who sent her she raised her hands as she prepared to chant a spell. Well... Here goes nothing... Ready to set this forest on fire, she stopped in her tracks. She noticed the bubbling in the water as if it was boiling...

" Oh..." Immediately knowing what had happened, a mischievous smile appeared on her blood-red lips. Her fox eyes gleamed with delight as she giggled and her irritation earlier had vanished as if it never happened.

Staring at the black flames growing bigger and rising above the water and a girl curled up in the middle of it, she immediately pulled the girl out of the lake. The flames slowly diminished and turned into black smoke, surrounding her body. It's a good thing fire doesn't affect me. Is this the reason why I was sent? Hmm~ that man... The woman immediately checked for the girl's breathing and pulse.

"No breathing but has a pulse... She's been underwater for two minutes... I need to do CPR..." The woman said but as if on cue the black smoke turned into a big mass of black cloud and absorbed into the pale body of the girl. It created some kind of reaction in her body that caused her to wake up. The woman in red grinned as she said.

" Hello!"


I abruptly opened my eyes as I felt a hard push near my chest area causing me to get all of the water out of my lungs. Retching, I vomited all over the grass and coughed, trying to breathe properly. Feeling an indescribable pain I looked at the woman in front of me with tears in my eyes.

" Oh! Wait a minute, I'm not a healer but I hope this can help reduce the pain." I was startled as fire surrounded me but she said I won't be harmed by this much. I don't get what she's saying but I did feel a little better after that. I can breathe properly now. The pain in my chest slowly vanished. My eyes aren't tearing up anymore.

" Is that a little better?" Her blood-red lips smiled at me as she said that. I nodded and weakly asked her who she was. She just smiled at me and continued what she was doing. Silence ensued and my dress have been slowly drying up.

"By the way, congratulations on your awakening!" The woman finally broke the silence. What does she mean by that? I'm powerless, I don't have a single bit of mana in my body. This is the reason why they treat me poorly...

" Well considering how massive your mana is... I think I now understand why your mother sealed it away." I looked at her as if she told me a very bad joke as she said that. Is she serious? She's telling me I have a massive amount of mana? No, forget massive, I have mana? And my mom sealed what?

She seemed to notice my confusion and yet she just laughed. Not bothering to explain any further. At this point, my dress is completely dried. Although I'm still feeling weak, I think I can at least walk now. I was planning to thank her when steps were heard near this place. The chattering of the maids surrounded the quiet place and the woman immediately stood up.

"Well, It was a pleasure to meet you, Princess." She said as red flames slowly engulfed her.

" If you're ever in a pinch, don't hesitate to call me m'kay?" Giggling, she then continued.

" Just call the name, Seraphina, and I, The red witch, and great sorceress of the dark ages will gladly help!" The whirlwind of flames swallowed her as she said that, leaving not a single trace.

Seeing me collapse on the floor made the servants immediately rush to me. I tried to reassure them that I'm alright and I'm not hurt. I can't let father know about what happened lest I want another scolding...  Thinking about the woman clad in red, I tried to hide my dismay.
The Great Sorceress...

... Well, this is not something to celebrate.

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