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'So... Is the owner of this space your master? You called him master earlier.' He stared at me and stayed silent for a while.

'... You're right but... my master's a she.' He said quietly. He looked away after saying that and sat. 

'You're worried about that?' I asked and he just scoffed at me. He looked pensive thinking about his master. The aura around him tells so. He must've missed her.

'She... It's been a year since she left. She didn't say she wouldn't come back but I just know she wouldn't. She even gave me a device to tell me what time it is outside this space. She said it's so I wouldn't bombard her with questions...' His voice trailed off and I just stayed silent. He said to call him when I need him a few moments later and I left him there. He seemed to want to be alone for the time being.

I opened my eyes after the pressure wore off and heard a knock. It must be Marie. I told her to come in and she slowly opened the door and brought me a tea set. I looked at her confusedly and she just smiled softly.

"The nanny told me to bring this to you. It seems what the nanny said is right. You looked stressed." Marie stated with a hint of worry in her voice. "Is everything alright?" I can never understand how easily they show their worry here. They don't even know me that well and yet they care for me...

"Everything is alright, I just had trouble sleeping last night." I smiled while reassuring her. She's unconvinced though... She even suggested going on a walk around the mansion to ease me. I agreed and told her I'll go after I finish the tea. I have a feeling she'll do anything to make me go on that walk...

The nanny makes amazing tea. This one I'm drinking is one of the best tea I've ever tasted made by her. It has a soothing effect that I feel very relaxed at the moment. It's wonderful. I rarely become at ease especially back in the palace but I find myself letting my guard down here.

I went on my way after changing into a peach dress. I lost my belongings after the wolf chase so I'm borrowing these dresses I wear. I feel bad wearing something that isn't mine but I need to make do with it. I'm indebted to the archduke.

Walking along the corridors of the Steros's mansion feels incredibly different from the palace. Even though there are few servants here, the atmosphere's still lively. Unlike the palace halls where servants usually go about. The people are cold which may be the reason for the freezing air... I enjoyed the walk without feeling the usual tediousness I feel. I'm as light as a feather walking through the halls in childish delight. It's wonderful. I enjoyed it to the point of not caring about where I am. 

Well, it took me a few minutes to realize I am lost.  

"I'm lost..." I murmured taking in the fact. I should've brought Marie...There're no servants too... I sighed remembering my trip to the garden last night and how long it took to get there. Resigning in my fate to figure out how to get back into my room, I was about to go on my way when I heard voices in a room several steps ahead of me. There I heard the voice of someone I'm familiar with.

"Are you sure about that?" My father, the emperor, asked the archduke with a hint of doubt smeared across his words. I stiffly went near the door to eavesdrop on their conversation. I was afraid it was about me...

"Your Majesty, you jest." The calm voice of the archduke assured my father. "There's no reason for me to lie about the Princess' whereabouts." His next words froze me. Contrary to his calm demeanor, I was about to faint out of nervousness. Did he tell Father I'm here? What do I do? Will Father send knights to take me? Then would all my efforts be for naught?! I gripped my dress tightly turning my knuckles white as I continued listening. 

"I assure you, Your Majesty, There is no such girl with the same description as the princess in my territory." I peered through the small gap in the doorway and saw the same calm demeanor of the archduke as he denied my existence in Steros. I was relieved. As if a heavy weight was lifted from my chest, I was left exhausted and trying to make sense o what he said. 

Why? What would he gain from helping me? Ever since I arrived here I always find myself on the receiving end. I don't know how I feel about that fact... I feel warm in my heart... What do I do? I need to repay him somehow. I feel uneasy just receiving help all the time... 

Lost in my thoughts I didn't notice the door in front of me open and a startled voice roused me from my swirling thoughts.

"P-princess?!" The panic-stricken archduke appeared in my view which contrasted with his earlier calmness. "What are you doing here?" It seems he didn't expect to see me. I didn't answer him and looked around. Is this his office? My brows furrowed at the sight of it. 

"Archduke..." I called him as I looked into his eyes. I could see his anxiousness mirrored it. 

"...Isn't your security quite lax?"

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