Chapter seventeen

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Lena's pov

Today is Saturday, so Anna and Oli decided that we should go to the mall. But a specific mall a "little mall". My nerves were sky high right now and it just pushed me into my headspace. Now tears are threatening to fall. I tried to quiet down my sniffling so they can't hear in the car. But I guess I wasn't quiet enough as Oli look at me through the rear view mirror.

"Honey, are you okay back there?" Oli asked worriedly with a frown on her face. I nodded my head and hid my face in Mr Noodles.

"Baby, remember the rules. If you have any bad feelings that you have, you should tell us. You can tell us anything and we'll try and make it better" Anna said looking over the passenger seat over to me.

"m scawed. I no feel comfowable" I struggled on explaining what I'm feeling. It's makes me feel frustrated.

"Do you want to go back home and order some of your things online. It's all up to you, Lena" Oli said while look at the road. I turned to Anna and she nodded her head in agreement.

"I go mall" I sigh. They were so excited this morning to take me to the mall, I didn't want to be a party pooper. My stomach was in knots.

"Are you sure, baby!" Anna frowned asking worriedly.

"I sure, A'na" I gave her a small smile I returned. She smile back but didn't look convinced.

I sat back in my seat and tried to relax. I picked on my paci that was tied around my neck with a ribbon so longs. I popped it in my mouth and suckle deeply while clutching Mr Noddle to my chest. The car drive consisted of Anna and Oli occasionally speaking and songs playing. Normally I would be singing, but I didn't feel like it.

I looked out the window and watching the scenery pass by. I could feel them both look at me occasionally. Finally we pulled up to the place. Anna came around to my side of the door and opened.

"Lena, baby I can see that you scared. If you not ready for this, I promise we can go home now. We just want what's best for you" Anna reassured while loosening my seatbelt

"I wants to go. I fine, I pwomise" I muffled around my paci. I wasn't sure if she understood but she nodded her head.

"Up pease" I looked up at her with big eyes and made grabby hands with Mr Noodle in my hand. There is no way I'm walking in this big place. It's scary.

"Come here, baby" Anna cooed sitting me on her hip and kissed my cheek. I blushed and hid my face in her neck.

Liv came around and guided us into the place but I kept hidden. The noise level increase tremendously as we stepped inside. Curiosity got the best of me as I took my head out of Anna's neck and looked around.

Wow! The place was bigger than I expected.
There we lots of littles like me running around while their caregivers ran after them. Some were crying. Some we being carried. Some we calm and just looked around calmly. The place was loud with shrieks and giggles from littles and loud talking and screaming caregivers. The place in general was very colourful.

"Would you like me to keep Mr Noodle in my bag with your bottle so you don't lose him" Anna asked taking my attention away from the crowd. I nodded as he kept slipping out of my hands.

"Be goods. Mr Noodle and nos dwink my milkie" I said sternly and kissed his snout. Olivia laughed and ruffled my hair. I pout at her.

"I'm sorry, honey. I couldn't resist" Oli chuckled lowly and kissed my cheek. I smiled brightly at her. Anna took him and put him in her bag.

"Okay, I have the list here so let's start with the basics. Uhmm, let's go to 'Littles Rus'" Oli pointed in the direction of a purple and pink coloured shop. Nodding, Anna nod Oli started walking into the direction of the shop. Hid my face in Anna's neck and wrapped my arms around her neck. She patted my bum for comfort.

"Shh, baby it's okay. I think you deserve a stuffy for being so brave. What do you say?" I smiled excitedly and said a soft yes. Woah, I'm getting a stuffie!!!!

"Down pease" I asked and wiggle. The stuffies were calling my name. Anna sat me on my feet and I immediately started to the direction of the toys.

"Woah, there sweetheart. Where do you think you going" Anna pulled me back, grabbing my hand. I whined and look up at her.

"Me go thewe. I wanna toy now pease" I tugged my hand but she just tighten hers.

"Honey, we don't want you getting lost. Anyone could take you. I promise you will get your toy. I want you to be around us and not just walk off, okay?" Oli said as she grabbed my other hand.

I walked bored as they bought, pacis, paci clips, onesies and cute clothes, highchair, baby cutlery, bibs which I whined at. I don't need it.

"Which one do you like, baby?" Anna bend down to my level as my face flushed. We were looking at diapers and pull-ups. I hesitantly point to the Moana diapers and pull-ups.

"Thank you for being brave" Anna cooed, kissing my cheek. It just made me blush more.

We began to walk towards the cashier but I slowed down my steps as Anna and Olivia was speaking to each other. I slow creep away and speed walk towards the toys aisle. Finally!
I couldn't stop feeling all the soft stuffies.

"What are you doing all alone little one" a gruff voice says behind me and puts their hand on my shoulder, holding it tightly to the point of pain.

Oh no!


That took a turn

Thank you for all the love and support, I love you🥺

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