40. Bloody oath

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'Is it okay if I go upstairs for a while? I want to call John,' Peter asked Robin after finishing washing the dishes after dinner.

'Sure, if you want to talk, then you definitely should,' Robin smiled. 'Something seems to be on your mind lately.'

'Hm,' confirmed Peter. 'But I'm sorting it out.'

'That's good,' Robin said. 'And you know that if you ever want to talk to me, I'm right here, right?'

Peter nodded. 'Thanks, Robin.' I'm not sure I will, though.

He closed the door of his room behind him, sat on his bed with his back rested against the headboard and called his friend.

'G'day mate,' John said. 'To what do I owe the pleasure?'

'I've fallen for him,' Peter blurted.

'Bloody oath. I'm surprised you realized already though. How?'

Peter told him the story. 'So well, I guess I've been in love with him all along,' he concluded. 'I was just dense. Just like with Leah. I guess that will never change.'

'Well, at least ya can confess first now,' John stated.

Peter choked on air. 'C-Confess?'

'Yeah mate, what else?'

'I don't even know if he likes me back, John. Robin is not just anyone, he's our nanny. If it turns out he doesn't like me back, things will never be the same, and I can't do that to David and Felicia. Especially David is really sensitive when it comes to Robin.'

'Dang, you got a point,' John said. 'Hey, I got an idea. How many days till y'all are coming to the ranch?'

'Ah yeah, right, the ranch! Ten days.' Thinking about it, Peter already got excited. He was really looking forward to spending two chill weeks with his family.

'Right. That's good, cuz ya mate here is not dense like you. I will observe him a bit and try to find out if he likes you or nah. Though I bet he's just as whipped for ya as yourself, like I said.'

'Yeah well, I just want to be sure,' Peter said. 'I'd rather have him and the kids happy, not knowing anything, than telling him and risking their happiness.'

'Hm, but mate, even if he doesn't have feelings for ya, stuff can grow, amirite?'

Peter sighed. 'It may be a bit more complicated.'

'Whaddya mean?'

'Last Friday, he told me that he lost faith in love?'

'So did you, right? Before Leah came.'

'Yes, I told that to him too, but he doesn't seem to have changed his mind yet, and I don't know if I can do that, make him believe in love again. I just don't know.'


Roughly half an hour later, Peter hung up. He went downstairs, where it was now quiet since Robin had put David to bed already and Felicia was reading a book. It was outrageous how quickly she learned. At this rate, she's be reading Shakespeare in five weeks. She just kept leveling up her reading skills, basically eating books. Robin was on the couch next to her, watching his phone with one earbud in. He was really focussed and didn't notice Peter, so Peter stood behind him and leaned over. 'What are you watching?'

'Oh, you startled me,' Robin blurted in Korean, almost dropping his phone. His earbuds unplugged and the video paused. 'Sorry, I was watching a K-drama,' he said, in English again. 'You see, I've put so much effort into learning Korean for that stupid bet, I figured I should do something to at least stay on that level. So I'm watching with Korean subtitles.' He showed the screen to Peter. There was a girl in what seemed like a school infirmary bed who looked like she was about to cry. "Forget it, I don't want to hear it," the subtitles said.

'Ahh, that's a good idea,' Peter said. 'What drama are you watching?'

'At Eightteen. It just came out this year. It's about society expectations and freedom, it's really inspiring.'

'Oh, can I watch too?' Peter asked.

'Me too!' Felicia yeeted her book on the table. 'I have to train my Korean skills too.'

'You're already on a native speaker's level, Felicia, you don't need to train them,' Peter joked.

'Yeah, but you're not. So you'll need a translator.'

Once again, his own daughter beat him to it. Laughing through his pain, Peter ruffled her hair. 'Okay then. Just until bedtime, though.'

'From the beginning?' he then asked Robin.

'That's okay,' Robin said. He wanted to go back to the main screen, but he accidentally touched the play button and before he can put it to a stop again, a soft and high male voice says: 'It's not a girl.'

'IT'S NOT A GIRL?!' Robin shrieks, then quickly composes himself again. 'Pardon me, I did not see that coming. L-Let's start from the beginning.'

Peter frowned, but he agreed anyway.


Updating in between my hectic schedule ehehet. Anyway, At Eightteen is worth watching. Ong Seongwoo and Moonbin yass~

So here's sum Ong Seongwoo for ya.

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