56. No escape

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TRIGGER WARNING: SA (it gets quite detailed so please skip to the next chapter if you're sensitive to that)

Robin's POV

After the almost-kiss-incident, Robin avoided Peter at all costs. Of course, Felicia and Mrs Anderson were trying really hard to bring them together again, but he was smart and spent most of his time with Larry, who seemed to enjoy his company.

After dinner on Friday - Robin had purposefully sat next to Larry - Larry walked off on his own, so Robin quickly followed him. He went to the back of the haybarn. There was a spot there were the hay was low, comfortable to sit on. The temperature was less low than outside, so Felicia and David played there a lot. Hey, David's toy tractor was still here, he should take it inside after this.

Larry was crouching, patting Rex. 'I knew you would follow me,' he said without looking up.

'I-I'm not following you,' Robin said. 'It's just a nice spot here.'

'These days, you can't leave me alone,' Larry said. He got up. 'Robin, do you have feelings for me?'

'What?' Robin asked in confusion. 'No! You're misunderstanding.'

'I don't think I am though...' Larry stepped closer to him, with a smile. 'It's okay, just say it. For your information, I feel the same way.'

What? Robin looked at him in shock. 'No, I-I'm sorry, but I really don't... I'm not-'

'Don't try to deny it,' Larry said. He took another step closer and put his hand on Robin's cheek, exactly where Peter had placed his' yesterday. Robin instinctively flinched away from it, but Larry grabbed his other cheek, forcing Robin to look at him. 'You're gay. You had a crush on Peter, but he doesn't like you like that. So you spent time with me instead. You may be in denial now, but we both know you want me as much as I want you.'

'Wait, no-' Robin stammered. 'You're getting it all wrong. I don't like anyone.'

'Oh, for f*cks sake,' Larry groaned. 'I don't have time for this.'

[Again: if you're sensitive to the topic of SA, stop reading here and just skip to the next chapter. It's going to get graphic.]

Before Robin could process it, Larry was kissing him. His lips were pressed firmly on Robin's and he was trying to get Robin to open them. Robin was so shocked and horrified that he accidentally let him, frozen in place, unable to move. Larry pushed his back against the haystack, pulling Robin closer, his body pressed tightly against the other's. Robin finally started getting back a bit of control back over his body and tried to push him off, but Larry was too strong and too heavy. 'Stay still,' he growled, taking Robin's wrists and pinning them above his head, holding them there with one hand while the other went to unbutton Robin's blouse. Robin tried to scream, but Larry let go of his hands and used it to cover his mouth, while still unbuttoning his shirt. Robin's hands were now free, but he was having a panic attack, just hopelessly trying to get Larry's hand off of his mouth, but his protests remained muffled.

Rex, who felt his unease, started to whimper, rubbing his head against Larry's leg. 'Rack off,' Larry snarled, trying to push the dog away, but he kept coming back, so Larry kicked him off. Whining loudly, he ran away, and Laary ripped Robin's shirt open at once. Upon seeing the scar on Robin's chest, he paused for a moment. 'Wow,' he said. 'What happened there?'

It wasn't like he expected an answer though. He removed his hand from Robin's mouth only to silence him with his lips again. Pressing him down on the hay, he climbed on top of him and forced one of his legs between Robin's, while using the other one to pin his stomach down. Robin tried to pull at his hair so he would let go, but Larry pinned his hands down again. 'Don't try to escape,' he said in a low, aggressive voice. 'You want me. You know you want me.' His hand aggressively explored Robin's abdomen. Robin felt absolutely helpless now, he was crying and couldn't breathe, especially with Larry kissing him. He just wanted it to stop. He just wanted to disappear. But there was no escape.

Larry now squeezed Robin's butt. Robin felt absolutely humiliated and dirty and that feeling worsened when he tried to get his hand in there. Robin's pants were too tight, so he tried to unbutton them. Robin squeezed his legs together and tried to roll over a bit, he threw in his entire body weight hoping to throw Larry off him, but his attempt was futile. Larry pushed him back harshly, biting down on Robin's lip so hard that he tasted blood.

That's when it fully got through to him, that everything he did was useless. He couldn't defend himself. Larry wouldn't stop before he got what he wanted. Robin had no choice but to accept it and hope it would be over soon. He stopped moving and simply sobbed. There was no escape, no escape at all.


I'm so sorry, y'all. Also, I WANT TO FUCKING K!LL THAT BASTARD!!!

I feel like this song sort of suits the horrible atmosphere in this chapter. I discovered Dimash yesterday and the emotions he can convey via his insane voice, I just get emotional whenever I hear it. It feels crazy to me that we earthlings actually have access to an angelic voice like this.

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