90. Inferno

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The cinema date was a lot of fun. They ate lots of popcorn, held hands and laughed. Of course, Peter had to cry at one emotional scene, causing Robin to snicker at him, but also hold his hand a little tighter. 'Ugh, can't we just stay here?' Robin asked when the movie was over. 'These chairs are so comfortable.'

So they watched another movie. It was an action movie, though not that interesting. Not that Peter minded, it meant he could comfortably stare at Robin. Robin noticed after a while and nudged him with his elbow, but gave up when he realized Peter was not going to give up. 'Waste of money,' he muttered under his breath.

'Au contraire,' Peter whispered. 'I love this lighting on your face.'

Robin rolled his eyes and turned back to the movie. He pulled his hand out of Peter's and grabbed some popcorn, stuffing it in his mouth.

He couldn't even keep his composure for five minutes. Peter already noticed his mind was not with the movie at all and eventually Robin sighed, gave up and looked at Peter. 'I want to kiss you,' Peter whispered.

Robin shook his head, but still smiled. 'Not here.'

'Okay, then let's leave,' Peter said.


Peter rolled his eyes and leaned back now, staring at the movie until he got startled by a touch on his thigh. It was Robin's hand, the palm upwards. He glanced at the younger, who raised his brow. 'Yes or no?' he asked, slowly retracting it.

Peter quickly joined Robin's hand with his, resting them on his thighs.

'I'm still getting my kiss after this,' he whispered.



'Can I get my kiss now?' Peter asked when they sat in the car.

'No,' Robin said, fastening his seatbelt. 'I'm not in the mood anymore.'

Peter squinted his eyes, looking at his Adam's apple that was moving up and down, at his eyes that were not focussing on anything. 'You're lying.'

Robin was quiet.

'You're playing hard-to-get again. Ugh, will you stop it?' he whined. 'What are you afraid of?'

'Nothing,' Robin said, turning towards him and smiling fakely. 'I just don't want to. Can you bring me home now?'

'Oh my god!' Peter gasped. 'I just took you out on a date and now you're giving me the cold shoulder. Well sure, if that's how you want to play.' He started the car, turned the radio on loudly and drove away, not saying a single word. It turned into a silence contest quickly, resulting in both of them driving all the way to Robin's house without saying a thing. At first it seemed kinda funny to Peter, but after a while it wasn't anymore. Peter felt like Robin didn't take his joke as light-hearted as he intended to.

'It's fine,' he said as they drove in his street. 'I didn't mean to put any pressure on you and I'm sorry if I did. If you don't want to kiss me now, I don't mind. You can kiss me whenever you feel like it again.'

A smile tugged at the corners of Robin's mouth, but he still didn't speak.

'What is it?' Peter asked. He saw the younger's face flush before he looked out of the window. 'Nothing. Thank you, Peter. For being considerate and for the date and for dropping me off. I'll see you on Monday.'

'Yeah, see you.' Peter looked as he walked away, feeling a bit concerned, but he let it go and drove off.

He pulled over to the nearest gas station because his car was almost out of fuel. As he was filling up his car, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He took it and saw he had gotten two messages from Robin. He opened them quickly, only for them to be deleted just a second later, but he still read them.

"I'm afraid that if I kiss you now, I won't be able to stop."

"And I'm not sure if I'm ready yet."

For a moment, Peter forgot everything around him as his heart throbbed violently and he felt tingly. Robin... wanted him. The reason he didn't kiss him wasn't because he didn't want to, it was because he did and that scared him.

Peter just wanted to drive straight back, but he knew he shouldn't. Robin wasn't sure, and Peter didn't want to do anything they might regret later. But still, the thought of Robin thinking about him like that, was... well, quite exciting, to say the least.

He didn't realise his tank was all filled up while he was staring at his screens with flushed cheeks until a man walked by. 'Ay mate, I bet your girlfriend looks lovely, but the counter has stopped for about ten seconds already and there is a car waiting behind you.'

'Oh.' Quickly, Peter stopped tanking, grinning sheepishly at the people behind him.

Robin, what are you doing to me?


They did not talk about the message. Peter figured Robin wouldn't have deleted it if he wanted to talk about it, and even if he did, Peter had no idea how to bring it up. But he was pretty sure Robin knew he had seen it. Every word he said suddenly felt wrong, like innuendos, but unintended. Every accidental touch flamed up their cheeks like an inferno. His thoughts kept drifting away while he was checking his students' homework or just doing anything when Robin wasn't there. And Robin, well, he wasn't avoiding Peter like before, but he surely didn't stay as long.

Peter decided to not tease Robin about staying over this week, feeling it would be too much right now.

On Thursday, he was woken up by Felicia jumping violently on the bed. 'Daddy, we're going to the attraction park today!'

Peter groaned, checking the time. 'Felicia, the attraction park opens at 11. It's 6am.'

'But I can't sleep anymore!' Felicia threw her hands in the air, giving him a look of disbelief. 'No, it's way too early,' Peter said, turning to his side. 'Wake me up in an hour or so.'

She didn't have to. Peter was unable to sleep anymore, so at 6:20 he gave up and got out of bed. 'What should we do?' he asked Felicia. 'We have a lot of time.'

'Rummikub!' she said.

Peter sighed dramatically.

'It's my favourite game,' Felicia added, giving him puppy eyes. 'Pwease?'

Peter sighed again, but then he ruffled her blonde curls. 'Okay then. You go get it, I'm lazy.'

Like 8 rounds and 8 losses later, Peter heard David making noise. 'Okay, playtime's over,' he said to Felicia. 'I'm gonna get David out so we can eat breakfast and start to get ready for the attraction park.'


Spicy stuff coming up in the next few chapters... (dw this is a no-smut story, so nothing explicit)

I recently rediscovered this song, I was obsessed with it when I was 14. At some point, I would write down the lyrics on my wrist (basically the equivalent of saying "im brocken" or whatever) , but I just love how eclectic this is. Violin with non-classical music, these lyrics and then the ballet MV? It's literal perfection

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