9. Friend

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Peter had woken up some time ago, but he'd been laying still with his eyes closed because his head hurt again. He felt horrible and exhausted. However, when he heard Robin, who had come home with the kids a short while ago, open the door to his room quietly, he still opened them and gave the boy a weak smile.

'Oh, you're awake.' Robin smiled back. 'How are you?


'I'll take that as a "fine but not really fine" answer. Does it hurt a lot?'


'I thought so. I have some medicine here.' He held up one hand with a pill and another with a glass of water, before putting them on the nightstand and helping Peter sit up.

Peter took the pill and swallowed it with water. 'Thank you.' he whispered.

Robin helped him lay back down. 'Are you hungry?'

Peter was going to deny initially but he changed his mind when he heard his stomach rumble. 'Hmm.'

'I am going to prepare dinner soon. I will probably bring it fo you in an hour or something.'

'Hmm.' Peter's eyes were falling shut again, though they shot right open when he felt Robin's fingers on his forehead, moving away some locks cautiously. He smiled at Peter reassuringly. 'Go get some more sleep.' he said softly.

'Hmm...' Peter nodded and closed his eyes with a smile on his face.


'Oh, you look much better now!' Robin said upon entering, David and Felicia following him. 'How's your head?'

'A lot better, thank you. It feels more like a normal headache now.' said Peter, who had woken up a few minutes ago and sat up on his own, while he caught David in his arms, who had climbed on top of the bed. 'Hey, my big boy.' he laughed as he sat the boy on his lap.

'Big brother Robin said we have to be very quiet.' Felicia, who had also climbed on the bed and was sitting next to Peter, whispered.

'Hmm, just talk quietly.' Peter ruffled her hair. ' When you whisper my head has to work really hard to hear you. As long as you don't scream, yell or talk loudly, it's okay.'

'Okay.' Felicia said in a normal tone. 'Are you going to get better?'

'Yes, of course.'



'Daddy sick?' David asked, his cute brown eyes looking up at Peter.

'Hmm.' Peter smiled. 'Daddy hit his head too hard, so now he's in pain. But I will be better soon and play with Davey again, okay?' He booped the toddler's freckled nose. David grinned happily, cuddling closer.

Peter looked up at Robin who was still standing at the door. The boy held up a bowl plate. 'I made soup today. I thought it would be convenient if you don't have to chew too much. Oh, and I called the school, you are excused for tomorrow. You're lucky it's holiday next week.'

Peter hadn't even thought about that yet. He smiled at the younger gratefully. 'Thanks a lot. For everything.'

Robin returned the smile. 'It's my pleasure.'


Some time after the kids had gone to sleep, Peter asked Robin to help him go downstairs. 'It's dark anyways and I want to sit in the backyard for a bit. Watch the stars.' he explained.

He didn't miss the sparkle that appeared in Robin's eyes when he mentioned stargazing, obviously surprised that Peter had remembered what he liked to do. The nineteen-year-old helped Peter up quickly.


Peter had just noticed his headache getting worse when Robin walked into the backyard with two glasses of water and handed him a painkiller. 'The other one will probably lose it's effect soon.' he clarified.

'Thanks, you're right in time.' Peter took the glass and the painkiller and swallowed it quickly.

Robin sat down in the garden chair next to Peter and put it in a horizontal position so he could watch the stars, like Peter. 'Wahh, it's so bright!' he said in surprise, happily.

'Hmm.' Peter looked up at the wide sky. 'It's beautiful.'

'Hmm~ it's truly been a while since I last laid down to watch the stars.'

Peter looked to his side and saw the boy wearing a soft smile, his eyes seemed to glow in the moonlight.

'Felicia told me your mom became a star.' he spoke up. 'Which one? I want to meet her.'

Without any hesitation Robin pointed at the brightest star.

'Ooh, she's very radiant!' Peter waved at the star. 'Hello, Robin's mother. I'm Peter, your son's new friend. Nice to meet you!'

When Peter looked to his side again, Robin was looking at him with glossy eyes and an expression on his face that he couldn't place right away, but it made his heart skip a beat for some reason.

'She said she's really happy that I found a friend, and that you are very nice.' Robin's voice sounded stifled and quiet, he was obviously touched.

Peter suddenly felt the need to hug him, but his state didn't allow him to, so instead he just leaned over and ruffled the fluffy raven hair. I've wanted to do this since a long time now.

Robin shook his hand off, blushing madly and muttered: 'Geez, I didn't have a bad hair day for once, did you really have to mess it up again?'

Peter chuckled and messed it up some more. Robin jumped up and ran out of Peter's reach. His messy hair looked adorable. 'I-If you don't stop, I-I will walk away and leave you on your own.' he threatened in a not-really-threatening tone.

'You wouldn't do that to David and Felicia.'

'I will only take care of them, not of you. I-I will just... leave you here, the entire night. I-I don't care if you get cold.'

Peter pouted.

'T-t-that won't w-work on me...' Robin slowly backed away.

Peter pouted harder.

'You look ugly.' Robin muttered, looking away, but soon looking at Peter again.

Peter's eyes were teary. 'Please?'

'OKAY OKAY, I WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU TOO, YOU BIG DUMMY!' Robin rolled his eyes and sighed.

Peter grinned happily. 'Yayy!'


Look, it's two babies being cute!

"Your happiness is not far away~"

That guys's voice, dammit, are these ex-Wanna One members all this perfect?

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