91. In love

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Alexander and Robin arrived at their house at like 10:30. Yes, Alexander was tagging along as well. Robin had asked last Monday, because the boy did not have many people with whom he could do stuff like this. This wasn't a two-person type of date anyways and it gave Peter and Robin a little bit more freedom to do stuff together, as Alexander could keep an eye on the kids for them. Peter doubted that was the reason Robin invited him though. Maybe he thought he could try to avoid Peter by sticking to Alexander with the excuse that the redhead might be lonely. In that case, his plan backfired.

From the start, it was so obvious that Alexander was pushing them together. He pointed at an attraction and got Robin all excited for it, only to tell him he was too scared to go in there. 'But I bet Peter would love to join you. Don't worry, I will take care of the kids.'

Even though Peter was more scared than Alex pretended to be, he did not want to let this opportunity slip from him. That resulted in him on top of a rollercoaster, all tensed up and hyperventilating.

'This is not even the worst part,' Robin laughed, taking his hand. 'Here, you can squeeze my hand if it's too scary.'

He soon came to regret saying that, for at the end of the ride, his fingers had almost turned blue. 'Oh my god, I'm so sorry!' Peter quickly apologized, taking them between his still trembling hands and massaging them one by one until they returned to their regular, pinkish colour.

Robin was just laughing. 'Why would you even agree to go in there if you're this scared? No one is forcing you to, you scaredy-cat.'

'Hey, at least I'm not a coward,' Peter protested. His legs were still feeling weak so he almost fell over, were it not for Robin catching him just in time. This resulted in their faces only being inches apart, Robin's arm tightly around his waist. Peter could feel his breath on his lips and saw his eyes moving as he looked into Peter's. He felt shivers all over his body and didn't even realise he was holding his breath until Robin pulled him up quickly and let him go, averting his gaze. 'You okay?'

'Y-y-yeah...' Peter stammered, feeling his face flame up once again. 'I-I'm fine.'

'Oh, okay. Good.' Robin seemed flustered as well. 'Um, let's- let's find Alex... and the kids, yeah.'

'Hm, yeah,' Peter agreed. Somehow he felt even more dizzy than he felt when he got off the rollercoaster, but he was determined to stand on his own feet right now. This was getting dangerous.

They went on more rides after that, sometimes together, sometimes separate, sometimes with the kids. But the air between them remained awkward. Peter kept zoning out while staring at Robin's lips and caught Robin doing the same multiple times. They were both not very talkative. Alex noticed and joked about it and Felicia called them out in the ferris wheel. 'What's going on between you two?'

'What do you mean, my little butterfly?' Peter asked.

'You're acting so weird today. Both of you. You're very quiet and you keep staring at each other. You didn't fight again, did you?' She looked up at him with a sad face. 'I don't want you to fight.'

Peter smiled at her. 'Don't worry, we didn't fight. We're just a bit tired. That happens when you get old.'

That caused Robin to snicker, though when Peter looked up and their eyes met again, he stopped and averted his gaze again, blushing.

'Oh!' Felicia suddenly exclaimed. 'I get it. You are in love!'

'What?' Robin protested. 'No!'

'I thought you already knew,' Peter said in confusion.

'I did not.'

'Then why do you want us to get married?'

'Oh, just so Robin can stay with us forever. And because granny would love that.'

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