19. Memories

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On Wednesday, Peter walked out of the building with good feelings. The talk with the psychologist, Anita, went well. She agreed that  it was good that he had searched for help instead of keeping it all to himself, because it could break him down if he did. They would try to settle legal matters within three weeks, so they could start therapy that week, which was pretty fast.

Now, he felt refreshed, knowing he didn't have to burden Robin anymore.


'How'd it go?' asked Robin, who had of course looked after the kids since that was his favourite occupation, once he returned, offering him a cup of coffee. 

'I have my intake session in three weeks, if we can settle legal matters within that time.' Peter replied, smiling. 'Thanks a lot for recommending her.'

'No problem. Did you sleep well in the past days?'

Peter hesitated. Actually, he barely slept. It was a mix of memories of Leah and also the dream he had last Saturday that took his breath away. Multiple times he had been on the verge of calling Robin in the middle of the night, hardly able to prevent himself from actually doing it in time, and each morning, he was anxiously waiting for the keys to turn in the door. Robin usually came around the same time, 10 AM, and if he was more than fifteen minutes late, Peter started to get worried.

He would tell himself it was nonsense, but he was so scared of losing yet another person that meant so much to him.

However, he did not tell Robin. Instead, he just smiled and nodded. 


'Daddy, can I give the present now?' Felicia whispered when Robin had just started cooking.

'Pwesent, pwesent!' David chanted quietly, his eyes shining. 

'Yes, that's okay. Give it together with David. It's under my bed.'

Felicia rushed upstairs, almost stumbling over her feet in excitement, then coming back with the present, wrapped in blue wrapping paper with cars on it. Felicia chose it herself from the wrapping papers Peter could find because she thought it was "the perfect colour for Robin", which Peter obviously agreed with, since he had found himself staring into Robin's bright blue eyes more than once. 

Now, David and Felicia, holding the present together, approached the unsuspecting Robin silently. Still, Robin noticed that he wasn't alone. 'What's the- oh! What is that?'

'It's a present Dave, daddy and I made for you.' Felicia said proudly.

'Pwesent, pwesent!' David laughed.

Robin looked up at Peter. 'For me?'

'Yes, you could call it an early birthday present.' Peter smiled. 'Now open it.'

'Open it! Open it!' chanted the kids. 

Robin took the present from the kids with a small smile on his face. 'Oh~ what could this be? I'm so curious, should I open it!'

'Yes! Open it!' the two yelled, completely hyped. Peter was just smiling and watching from a distance. Robin unwrapped the present slowly, stealing glances at the kids who were watching very closely.

When Robin had unwrapped the present, he held it up, showing the light blue apron Peter had bought last Monday, decorated with drawings and doodles made by the kids and Peter himself. In the middle were four figures. In the middle were Felicia and David. Peter, with yellow hair, was holding Felicia's hand on the left side, and Robin, with red freckles, was holding David's. Each one of them had a big smile on their face. Felicia had drawn it and their names were above their heads too. David had just splashed paint all over the apron, a few hands were visible too, while Peter had made an attempt to draw them watching the stars and Robin cooking, with "chef Robin" written above it.

Robin seemed stunned, looking at every detail. 'Wow... this is so sweet of you guys...' he then said, quickly wiping his teary eyes and pulling David and Felicia in a tight hug. 'Thank you so much...'

When he got up again, Peter, who was now standing behind the kids, surprise-hugged him. 'Now you have an apron with your own memories. Let's make a lot of them, okay?'

Robin nodded with his typical bright smile, which seemed even wider than usual. It gave Peter a warm, fuzzy feeling in his chest. He held out his hand. Robin, frowning, laid his hand in Peter's.

Peter grinned, blushing slightly. 'I can take your hand as well, but I meant the apron...'

'Oh!' His face burning red, Robin let go to hand over the apron. Peter put it over his head, adjusting it to his hight and leaning over to tie the knot behind his back. The younger smelled nice. He tied the knot and leaned back to see it.

'Oh wow.' he said, because it really suited him. The colour, and the happy, cute drawings did not only go well with his beautiful face, but it also just felt really Robin-ish. Peter liked it.

'You look gorgeous!' Felicia exclaimed.

David was grinning contentedly. 

Meanwhile, Robin was still as red as a tomato.


A short while later, Peter sneaked into the kitchen again and grabbed Robin's hand out of the blue.

'Oh my god.' Robin almost cut himself with the knife he was holding. 'What are you doing?'

'I said I could take your hand, and I just happened to want to.' Peter grinned. 'Anyway, be careful  with that knife.'

'I will. But I can't cut the beef with one hand.'

'Oh.' Peter retracted his hand slowly. 'What are you making?'


'Ah yes, Leah made me that too sometimes. It's been ages since I last had it though, maybe two years?' Peter thought out loud, before turning back to Robin and grinning. 'By the way, I'll save that hand for later then.'

Robin wisely didn't reply, he just bit his lip, his cheeks slightly pink.


Too much fluff too much fluff help

Ahaha I just remembered this guy is a dad now-

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