79. Peaches or bananas

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The next day, Peter was up early. He had been way too excited to sleep properly, so he got out of bed at 5:30AM and checked a few tests in the living room. When he heard the keys turning in the door, his heart went crazy. Before Robin could close the door behind him, Peter was standing in front of him, smiling like a madman. 'You're early.'

'Well yeah, I figured you might have missed my omelettes.' Robin said, smiling back at him, though still a bit hesitant.

'I'm so glad you're here,' Peter said. 'Is it okay if I hug you?'

Still smiling, Robin spread out his arms and Peter pulled him into his arms. He enjoyed the boy's lovely scent and the warmth of his body for a few seconds, before pulling away. 'Great. Now I'm all charged for this day.' He would need the energy, because he was teaching class 7E today and lately he had a lot more trouble keeping them in check.

'Tch.' Robin shook his head. 'You really have no breaks when it comes to love, do you?'

'I told you,' Peter replied, giving Robin a look he knew would make the younger swoon. 'When I'm passionate about something, I do not play around.'

So far, everything was going well. Robin was still smiling and didn't seem to mind Peter's flirtatious remarks. Peter felt absolutely ecstatic. He had really put in all his effort in convincing Robin to give him a chance and it had worked. Well, they were just testing the waters for now. Slowly, to get used to it, find out what they could handle right now. Robin would only take Wednesday for now. After all, he was still dealing with the trauma of his past that had resurfaced with the traumatic experience from Larry and the confrontation with new love. Him opening up to Peter wouldn't naturally solve all his problems. There were much deeper roots to them that Peter did not have the capacity of reaching, neither was it his area of expertise. He would support Robin in his journey, nonetheless. Be there for him when he needed someone to talk to, or just a shoulder to lay his head on. And when Robin was ready, they would figure out the best path to take from there, together.

While Robin baked the omelettes, Peter went upstairs to wake Felicia up. She had no idea that Robin would be here today. He had kept it a surprise on purpose.

He switched on the light. 'Good morning, my little butterfly! How are you feeling today?'

Felicia groaned, rolling away from the light. 'My eyes hurt.'

'You'll get used to it,' Peter said. 'Now come on, it's a beautiful day!'

'Ugh,' Felicia groaned. 'It's still dark and cold outside.'

She sniffed. Then again. Then twice more.

'What is it?' Peter asked, a wide smile on his face.

'I smell... omelettes,' she said, sitting up. 'Is Robin here?'

She saw Peter's smile and all of a sudden, she was wide awake. In a second she was next to her bed and ran to the door. 'Hey, you should put on your clothes first,' Peter laughed, but it was no use, as she had already ran past him. He quickly followed her. Robin already came out of the kitchen, wearing his apron again. He crouched and spread his arms and Felicia jumped right in, with so much power that Robin had to grab the edge of the table to not topple over. He wrapped his arms around her tightly. 'Good to see you again, little sunshine.'

'You're back!' Felicia screamed. 'Are you going to stay with us again?'

Robin let her go so he could look at her face. He ruffled her hair. 'Not yet. But I will take care of you guys today. Every Monday, from now on. And then, we'll see. I won't make any promises, but I can assure you that I am not leaving you guys.'

'I know you won't,' Felicia said. 'Even if you wanted to, we wouldn't let you.'

Robin laughed, but then his expression changed. At that moment, Peter smelled it too. Something burning.

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