61. Gin and tonic and beer

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Peter was really glad Robin was talking again, because ever since their talk, he had been getting better quickly. He still spent the rest of the day in bed with Peter, but he finally ate something again and there were no further panic attacks. In the days after that, he got out of bed again and even though Peter was telling him to take it slow, he insisted on spending more time with the kids and it went well.

On Tuesday night, Peter couldn't find him, so he looked everywhere. He finally found the boy at the spot in the hay where it all happened, his legs crossed, looking nervous. 'What are you doing?' Peter asked.

'Oh, um... I'm trying to delete the negative link between this place and what happened.'

'Why?' Peter asked. 'I mean, it's not neccessary. Just avoid it.'

'It's a good way of overcoming the memories. I want to forget it as soon as possible. I want nothing to remind me of it anymore.'

Peter felt a little bit sad upon hearing those words, even though it was only reasonable. Maybe he simply related, because he also wished to forget it as soon as possible.

He pulled himself up on the hay, next to Robin. 'I don't think staring into the void is going to work though.'

'Do you have any other suggestions?'

'Yes. We should make new memories, memories so big that they will overshadow the other ones.'

'Um, like what?'

'Um... like this?' Peter took Robin's hand in his and intertwined their fingers.

'Oh, he's found yet another excuse,' Robin laughed, hiding his face in his other hand. 'But that is not shocking enough. You do it all the time.'

'Hey, not like this,' Peter protested. 'This is different.'

'Hm, sure,' Robin chuckled. 'I do like it though, when you do that.'

'You do?' Peter felt elated, hearing that.

'Hm. You have really nice hands, you know?'

That made Peter blush a bit. He shuffled a little closer to the younger and rested their hands on his thigh, looking at him.

'What is it?' Robin asked, noticing his gaze had changed.

Peter freaked out right away. Okay, maybe this wasn't such a good time after all. 'No, n-nothing,' he mumbled quickly, before burying his burning face in Robin's chest.

'You are so weird,' Robin laughed, while petting his head. 'But I like it.'


The days flew by after that. Peter was busy helping John, who was also trying to find a proper replacement for Larry. Robin painted a little more and got a lot of money, Felicia and David were having the time of their lives and Peter had started to flirt with Robin again, just a little bit. Robin didn't seem to mind and Peter couldn't help himself. Besides, if he was going to tell Robin at some point, it would be better if it didn't come as a complete surprise, right?

On Saturday, the night before they left, John really wanted to drink with Peter. Peter usually didn't drink, but occasionally he didn't mind getting wasted with his best friend. It was only once in a while. Besides, they had already decided that he wouldn't be driving, since Robin had rarely ever driven a car in the countryside and wanted to try driving without heavy traffic for once.

It was the last night, so they were both a little sad and melancholic that it was almost time to say goodbye already. Peter knew that even though John had never felt any desire to be in a romantic relationship, he still got lonely at times. A ranch required constant attention and even though he enjoyed the company of his mom and the workers, he did long for contact with people who were a little more like him.

So they got wasted. The kids were fast asleep, Robin was inside chatting with Mrs Anderson, they got along quite well. What was it with Robin and older ladies? He sure had a charm with them.

John and Peter were at the haystack, chugging down gin and tonic and beer like it was water while laughing about stupid stuff and having intimate conversations that both of them would probably forget afterwards.

Of course, Peter took half an hour to whine about how he didn't know what to do now that he was a little more sure about Robin's feelings for him, which resulted in a fed-up grunt from John, followed by the exclamation: 'I'm about to crack the sh*ts, mate. Stop whining and go get him already!' He got up, a little wobbly even though he could usually handle his liquor quite well, a lot better than Peter. 'Know what, just stay here. I'll send him to you. 'Have another coldie?'

'We're out,' Peter sighed, sinking back into the hay.

'Good. I'll drink some more on my own, listening to you buggered me, mate. And I gotta go to the dunny. Good luck.'


Normal Peter: obsessed with Robin
Sick Peter: obsessed with Robin

Drunk Peter: still obsessed with Robin

Bro is in wayyy too deep.

My playlist is all summer songs right now haha, I'm so ready for it.

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