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Peter was staring at the flow of students filling the school square and the buses in front of it, softly tapping his pen on his desk on the second floor of Runner's High. He was currently correcting the grammar test class 9B had made today, but his thoughts had dragged his mind and gaze away from his work, so now he was just staring without seeing anything except her face in his mind.

He had picked up his life and lived on while taking care of their kids, but he couldn't help reminiscing about their times together, her bright smile, the way she cared for the kids so much or how she was always there to support him.

Thoughts like this were the worst when he was alone. When he crept in that big two-person bed all alone at night, he just couldn't help missing her terribly, wishing that it never happened, that she never fell ill and that she was still here, that it was all a bad dream, but he knew it wasn't.

Tomorrow, it would be exactly a year since she left, leaving him and their two kids behind. 

He had taken the day off since he knew it would be bad to stand in front of a class with his mind in another place. He would need some time alone to cry, and the kids also needed him.

But right now, there was also another issue occupating his mind.

Last monday, the kids' nanny, Lindsey, had hesitantly told him she would be moving to the USA in a bit more than a month. She had met a man online and fell head over heels for him. True, Peter was slightly worried if that was a good decision, but since it was not up to him to judge, he had told her he would find a new nanny as soon as possible. He felt bad for the kids, who had grown accustomed to her presence, she was like the mother figure that they needed, but he needed to find a proper substitution now.

The task was hard though. He would prefer if anyone around him knew anyone trustworthy instead of a complete stranger, because he needed to be sure the kids would feel at ease around her, and also that she would stay. The kids had known Lindsey before Leah died, she had been a close friend of hers and since she had just divorced her husband and was unable to find a job, she had immediately offered to take care of the house and the kids when he couldn't. But right now, Peter knew no one who could take care of Felicia and David in the four days he worked as an English teacher at Runner's High.

He sighed. "Focus, Peter." he told himself. He closed the subject for now and turned his attention to the paperwork in front of him.


Several days later on his free thursday , when Felicia was at school and David was taking his afternoon nap, he called his friend John.

'Hey mate, how's it going?' the male on the other end of the line called out.

'I'm fine, how 'bout you?'

John chuckled. 'All's good. But tell me, why call ya dear fella?'

'Ah well...' Peter sighed. 'I was wondering if you knew anyone who could help me take care of the kids. A nanny.'

'Why? Ain't Lindsey good?'

'She's leaving the country.'

'Oh, well...' John went silent for a bit. 'I ain't sure. I can ask around if you wanna.'

'Thanks, mate.' Peter felt slightly relieved now that he didn't have to look around all alone. 'Then I will continue looking around too.'

'No worries. We'll get ya that nanny in no time.' John reassured him.

The next half an hour Peter spent phoning his family, and some of the colleagues he was close with, but without succes. Then, he received a message from John. >No need to search further, I found ya the perfect nanny.<

>For real?< Peter replied. >What's her name? How did you find her?<

>You'll see. Sat-dee in the arvo, at 2. Be home by then.< John replied.


Peter found his thoughts trailing off at school quite frequently, that friday, wondering who the person was that John found her capable of looking after his small family, his house and the chores. He must have lots of trust in that person, judging from the fact that he didn't even bother to give Peter any details about her and just sent her to him right away.

He was already quite confident he'd accept her. John's judgement meant a lot to him so if he was this certain, Peter trusted him.

Yet, he was curious. How did John find her? What would she be like? Would she be able to take care of the children like Lindsey could? Would she be strict or more soft? Would she be able to cook?

Secretly, he also hoped for a person he could have a good talk with. Not only about the kids, but about other things as well. A person he could share his thoughts with, maybe a friend? But he also knew he shouldn't expect that much of a nanny.


That saturday, after having tucked the two-year-old David in for his afternoon nap, he asked Felicia what game she wanted to play. 'Rummikub!' the five-year-old yelled, running to the cupboard to get it. It was half past one, just thirty minutes and his questions would be answered. If the nanny would be in time, that was. Lindsey was by standard five minutes late, so as soon as Peter discovered that, he'd changed the time she had to come to five minutes earlier.

Felicia was good at Rummikub. Of course, since it worked with numbers and she was really good with numbers. Just like her mom. Meanwhile, Peter's specialty lied with words. It was lowkey embarrassing that his five-year-old daughter could defeat him so easily. 

As they were playing, Felicia asked: 'When is the nanny coming, daddy?'

'In  fifteen minutes.' Peter replied. 

'What's her name?'

'I don't know, it's a surprise.' Peter grabbed a new stone because he didn't have any he could use. He smiled to himself, because it was a good one. He could get rid of all his stones in the next turn, if Felicia didn't-

But of course Felicia just had to mess up the entire board with one of her complicated strategies, just to be able to get rid of her last stone. Peter groaned.

'Daddy, I won again!' Felicia yelled, jumping up in excitement.

'You are invincible.' Peter chuckled and ruffled her blonde hair. But then, the bell rang.

Oh, she's early.  Peter thought to himself as he followed his overly excited daughter to the door, his curiosity growing with each step.

When Felicia opened the door, Peter was at loss for words.

'Hi, are you our new nanny?' Felicia asked. 'What is your name?'

'I hope I can be.' the boy replied. 'My name is Robin. What is yours?'

He looked up at Peter and smiled, and Peter mentally noted that he had the brightest smile in the universe.



Also, I'm using selfmade photo's for the chapters yea. Most of them made in Tournus, France.

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