15. Carpe Diem

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On wednesday morning, Robin received a message from Alexander, who notified him of the fact that he'd go busking at 4PM that afternoon. Since Alexander chatted him on sunday morning, to thank him for the medicine and the food, and to apologize -multiple times- for bothering Robin, they had stayed in touch.

'If I abandoned you when you needed a friend, I'd be no different from the person I look down on the most.' Robin had said. 'Also, I need more friends too. As of now, I have one friend, but I can't bother him with all my problems since he's not even okay himself.'


'Alexander will be busking at 4PM.' Robin told Peter.

'Ah, your new friend? The K-Pop idol?'

Robin nodded. 'He will rap to a song he wrote himself and do a dance cover of some song.'

'I think Felicia will enjoy that a lot.' Peter said. 'And David likes anything, so I guess you can take them. Wait, are the lyrics childproof?'

'It's Korean mostly anyway, but I asked Alexander and he said he thought of that already.' Robin shows Peter the message.

'Then you should go.' Peter smiled. 'After all, you're just locked in this house with me and the kids, it's good to do something for yourself as well.'


Robin rode the stroller with David in it to the location Alexander had sent him, holding Felicia's hand. It was a square in the middle of Melbourne, close to Robin's apartment. It was quite lively, so it was a smart place to catch attention.

Upon arriving, Robin already spotted Alexander, who was setting up the materials he had taken with him in a suitcase. He waved and smiled brightly when he saw Robin. Robin waved back.

'Is that Alexander?' Felicia asked. 'He looks really young.'

'He's a year younger than me, eighteen.' Robin said. 'So he is quite young indeed.'

'Ahh...' Felicia said. 'Is he good at dancing?'

'I haven't seen it yet, but he must be. He practised daily for five years.'

'Wow, that's really long!'

'Hmm, it is. Oh look, he is about to start.'

Alexander checked the microphone, connected to the two boxes next to him, and then clicked a button on the sound box which was connected to his phone. A beat came out and he started.

The rap was mostly in Korean, but Robin heard some English phrases too and he thought he heard "carpe diem" multiple times. Though Alexander was all smile and talk usually, now he was dominating the square, grabbing the attention of many passers-by, some started filming too. Alexander's rap voice was deeper than his usual voice and had a lot of energy. His facial expressions were entirely on point and his entire body moved to the beat.

'That vibe, it's like a K-Pop idol!' Robin heard a girl's voice close to him say.

'He does kinda look like someone, but I don't know who.' the other girl said. Robin glanced to his side and saw two teenage girls, one filming, one moving to the beat, completely into it.

Suddenly, the music switched. Alexander put away the microphone and got into position.

'Oh my god, it's Hero!' the girl with the black cap who was filming said. She began chanting some names, the other girl joined in as well, they ended with a loud 'MON-STA X!'

By now, the girls were lowkey attracting Felicia's attention as well. 'Robin, what are these girls doing?' Felicia had been very quiet so far. Felicia's silence either meant something was too bad or too good. Since she was smart enough to tell the difference between talented and talentless, Robin assumed she was impressed.

'I don't know, I think they know the song.' Robin replied.

'Alexander is Korean, right? Is the song Korean?'

'Yes, it's Korean. Alexander is half Korean. He was born here though.'

Suddenly, one of the over-enthusiastic girls became remarkably quiet. 'What is it?' the other one asked.

'You know, he really reminds me of that Starship Entertainment trainee who got caught in a scandal and left the industry last month...'

'Oh my god, you mean the one who was supposed to debut with Dreamscape? The gay one?'

Robin was biting his lower lip very hard as he tried to focus on Alexander's dancing, he was slightly worried, not knowing what these girls would think of it.


After the song ended and the audience clapped for Alexander before going their own ways again, Alexander packed his suitcase and walked towards Robin with a bright smile on his face, but before he could reach him, the girls stepped in front of him.

'I'm sorry,' the girl with the cap set, 'but may I ask you if you are Alexander Song?'

Alexander seemed to hesitate for a moment, but then replied with a polite smile. 'Yes, I am.'

'Oh my, you're really handsome.' the other girl with the dyed pink hair blurted. 'I would have stanned you, it's sad you couldn't make it. But we can still stan you as an artist, right? Your performance just now was a ten out of ten!'

'Yeah, it's really good that you are still doing what you enjoy. If you ever decide to continue on your own, we'll be here to support you for sure.' the cap girl added.

'Thanks a lot.' Alexander smiled shyly, making the girls squeak.

'Oh, by the way, did you produce that song yourself? We've never heard it before.'

'I did. It's called Carpe Diem, and it's my first time performing it.'

'Wahh, that's so cool. What is it about?' Both girls were so excited, Robin could sigh in relief, they would do no harm to his friend.

'Hmm, I'd explain the lyrics of Carpe Diem like this: no matter how hard it is, when someone doesn't go the way you thought it would, that is not a reason to give up on your dreams. Carpe Diem means "pluck the day", so instead of hiding and giving up when you come across difficulties on your way, you should still make everything of what you have.'

'Ohh, that's deep~' the cap girl said. 'You're so cool! Can we take a selfie with you?'


When the girls walked away, Alexander greeted Robin happily. 'You came! Are these the kids you're looking after?'

'Hi, I'm Felicia.' Felicia introduced herself. 'And that is David, my brother. You are really handsome and talented, I am impressed.'

'How old are you even?' Alexander asked, shaking the hand she offered him.


Alexander gasped. 'Wow, you kind of sound older than that.'

'I get that a lot.' Felicia grins. 'Anyway, nice to meet you, big brother.'


Well, at least Alexander already has a small fanbase UwU

I considered to add Hero but Fantasia is just such a bop omg I started stanning around this comeback.

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