22. Richard

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Ever since Robin had moved in officially, everyday was filled with fun and happiness. Not only Peter loved the new situation a lot, Felicia and David were so excited, in the weekends they would wake each other up and jump onto the sleeping Robin's bed to wake him up. Yes, Robin indeed slept very well here. Though Peter had seen him take scary amounts of sleeping meds, but well, at least it helped, right?

As for Peter himself, his fear was gone mostly. He did have a small relapse when he had another nightmare last Wednesday night, but Robin had been with him in a minute, hugging him and saying: 'It's okay, I'm here,' over and over again, and because of that Peter hadn't even cried to the point of hyperventilating like usually.

Even though Robin slept well now, he was still an extremely light sleeper who woke up at every sound. But that wasn't that much of an issue, since Peter wouldn't know what to do if he did not wake up at these moments.

That same Wednesday, he had the intake session with doctor Anita Brooke. They discussed the goal of the treatment: processing the loss, accepting it and moving on. Peter had explained his situation and told his story, and she had explained the practical side. In two weeks, they would start weekly therapy sessions. Peter was really glad about that because now he knew his healing process would really start. Right now, he wasn't suffering much, but that was because of Robin. If Robin were to disappear someday for whatever reason, he needed to be able to live on his own. He couldn't rely on the younger for the rest of his life, that would, besides unrealistic, be very unhealthy. 

Robin had agreed with him too. 'But as of now,' he had added, 'you can rely on me.'


Surely, he wanted to return the favor. That's why he was calling John right now.

'Hey mate.' he said when the older picked up the phone. 

'Hey, how's it going?'

'Very good, ever since Robin became our live-in nanny. But I want to ask a favor of you.'

He explained his plan and the other listened, replying with 'hm' multiple times.

'Wait, Rich too?' he suddenly exclaimed.

'Duh, I mean he has lived with them for over a year, and I believe he had a good time here.'

'Yes, of course, but... what about you?'

'It's a birthday party, what could possibly go wrong?'

'Still...' John's voice sounded hesitant.

'Don't worry.' said Peter, smiling. ' It's gonna be okay, don't worry about me.'

'But mate, did you forget-'

'I didn't, but it's not relevant. It's for Robin. He deserves it.'

'Pfft...' The male on the other side of the line chuckled. 'That nanny of yours, he scares me now.'

Peter grinned. 'Tch, how can a cutie even be scary?'

'Ohh, you better watch ya back. Them cuties are scariest. They steal hearts.'

Peter laughed. 'Yea, he kinda does. Anyway, you can take some stuff for the barbie, right?'

'Yea, I'll ask Rich and Mel too. Heard she ain't a bad cook, so...'

'If she could make a nice salad I would appreciate that.'

''Kay, mate. No worries, your friendo here will make sure everything is perfect for your lovely nanny.'

Laughing, Peter hung up and called the next person, whose number he had tactfully achieved via the impressive memory of his daughter who had peeked on Robin's phone.

'Hey Alexander, it's Peter. I wanted to ask you a favor...' 


All the preparations were going smoothly. Peter bought some decorations on Tuesday, ordered meat and a cake on Wednesday and then it was already Thursday. Felicia jumped on his bed, whisper-screaming: 'I won't tell Robin but I'm so excited!' And she actually did a good job on not showing anything.

David didn't even know what was going on. Peter had to restrain himself to keep his mouth shut so hard, especially when he saw the hint of expectance in his eyes when Peter came downstairs while he was making omelettes, and it hurt him to see the younger's mood dropping so quickly after that, to the point he was just faking smiles whenever Peter looked at him.

But it was soon afternoon, and Alexander called. 'I'm meeting Alexander.' Robin said, his voice a little less timid.

'Sure, have fun!' Peter smiled at him.

As soon as he left, Felicia helped him with the decorations. The cake arrived too, Peter had scanned the drawing that Robin had made, of himself and Felicia in the flowery field and got it printed on the cake. It looked cute.

John and Richard arrived simultanuously, John had picked up the meat on his way and hugged Peter. 'Hey mate!'

Peter felt nervous when he saw Richard, but still smiled, though awkwardly. Richard returned a similarly awkward smile. 'Hi.'

'Hi, I'm Melissa!' Richard's wife introduced herself, balancing the plate with the salad she had made on one hand to shake his hand. 'I'm Peter.' he said.

Felicia came from behind Peter's leg and smiled at the timid boy trying to hide behind his mom. 'Hi, what's your name? Mine's Felicia. I'm five years old. How old are you? Oh, and can you blow balloons? We need more balloons.'


I think I really like John, he must be a big bear with a soft heart UwU

I watched this comeback with my crush along with Twice's and had a discussion about which one we liked more. Twice almost won but then there was YEONJUN'S MF OUTFIT HSDGFUGBASDBJGCFBGHEBJASCFTNIUXFNHRBJF

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