89. 21st century girl

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Peter really didn't want to let Robin go home again that Monday, but he didn't have much of a choice. Wednesday was the same. They spent hours talking again, Robin telling about how Alex had started working on an album and was planning on making his own debut, by his own rules. Peter thought that was amazing. It would be a waste of talent if he didn't. It did mean Robin was alone even more often. He said he didn't mind, but Peter knew he didn't like being alone. 'Spend some time with us tomorrow,' he said. 'Felicia has been bugging me about wanting to spend time with the four of us again. Apparently, dinner is not enough for her.'

'Fair enough,' Robin said. 'Well, let me just think about it, okay?'

'Sure,' Peter said. 'No pressure.'

After that, he talked a little bit about stuff at school. Robin knew about class 7E, though Peter never mentioned names. Right now, it was slightly better, except they just wouldn't stop teasing him about his "one and only", taking guesses who it could be. They thought he was "secretive", despite Peter telling them time upon time that it was called privacy and that they didn't need to know the details about his private life, and for that reason, they assumed it was one of the teachers. Right now, they were fully convinced that it was Miss Cooper, solely based on the fact that she once walked in to ask him a question and got flustered when the class suddenly started inquiring her about having a secret affair with Mr Peterson, as anyone probably would in that situation. Now, Peter tried to avoid her a bit, because these kids were really sneaky, they might just be spying on him.

It got even worse when Kim announced that he would award a hundred dollars to the person who could provide real evidence of who Peter's "one and only" was. Peter only discovered it because Sam accidentally brought it up and then got shushed by the entire class because "Mr Robinson can't know we are all spying on him because the first person who finds evidence of his affair gets a hundred dollar award."

'If only you were as invested in your own futures as you are in my love life,' he had sighed.

He doubted they would be able to figure it out. After all, it was his life outside of Runner's High and Melbourne was a big city. He barely ever ran into students outside the school building. They were sure it was a teacher too, so they weren't even thinking in the right direction.

'They sound exhausting,' Robin said, 'but also kind of fun. I mean, you never know what's going to happen with a class like that.'

'Well, I'm pretty sure what's going to happen is ninety percent of them failing this year,' Peter said, 'so in that sense they're pretty predictable.'

They spent their time talking until it was so late that Robin could hardly refuse a sleepover, so he decided to just go for it. Much to Peter's dismay, he was hellbent on sleeping in the guest room though. He even tried to convince Robin to let Peter sleep in his bed, but the raven stood his ground. 'Not gonna happen, just be happy I'm here. Now if you'll excuse me, I'd like to get changed. In private.'

With a sigh, Peter went back to his own bed. Despite wishing Robin was a little closer to him right now, he still slept pretty well. At some point, David woke up again, having another nightmare. Before Peter was fully awake, the crying had stopped already. Robin was there. Feeling grateful and relieved, Peter let himself fall back asleep. Ah, how he missed this.

Thursday was a rainy day, sadly, so no going to the playground. But it wasn't all that bad, because they got a bit of work done around the house together while Felicia was at school. Even David helped a little, with the cleaning set for kids. He got tired after a few minutes though and decided to lie down on the floor instead.

They did a really thorough cleaning and were done just around lunch time. Peter picked up Felicia and they had lunch altogether before Peter put David to bed and they crashed on the couch.

'Ugh, you guys are boring,' Felicia said.

'You weren't the one who cleaned our entire house this morning,' Peter said.

'But I wanna play with you guys!' Felicia exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air. 'It's not everyday that we're together like this, not anymore.'

'Felicia...' Peter sighed. The kid could still be a bit salty about Robin not living with them anymore.

'How about that drama we were watching?' Robin suggested, sitting up.

'Yes!' Felicia exclaimed. 'Strong woman Do Bong-soon!'

'That's a great idea!' Peter said, switching on the TV and going to Netflix. 'Felicia, can you get us a nice bag of chips? You can choose.'

'Yes!' Felicia exclaimed, rushing to the kitchen while giggling. Chuckling, Peter shuffled a bit closer to Robin to put his arm around the younger. 'What are you doing?' the raven whispered.

'Putting my arm around your shoulder. Can't I?'

'Felicia will see.'

'She won't mind.'

Robin scoffed, but leaned into the touch nonetheless.

Felicia came back with the chips. She had chosen the Cheezels. 'Scoot over,' she told Peter. 'I want to sit in the middle.'

'That's homophobic,' Peter muttered to himself before, reluctantly, letting go of Robin. Felicia didn't hear him, but Robin did and snorted.

Felicia sat in between them and Peter clicked the play button. Over the course of the sixth episode, which was where they left at, he sneaked his arm across the backrest of the couch. Robin startled when Peter touched his shoulder and glared at Peter, who grinned back at him, raising his brows. With a sigh, Robin also put his hand on the backrest, holding Peter's hands. They had eye contact for a moment before Robin averted his gaze to the screen again. Peter's cheeks were hurting from smiling. Robin had completely opened up to him again.

While it seemed like Felicia didn't notice anything, both of them were caught off guard when all of a sudden, she asked an unexpected question. 'Daddy?'

'Yeah?' Peter replied, unsuspecting.

'When you two get married, can I be the flower girl?'

Robin choked on air, coughing violently. 'We're not-'

'Of course you can,' Peter said. 'Who else should we ask? I bet you'll be very good at it.'

'Peter,' Robin whispered, still recovering from the choking attack.

'Great!' Felicia said, leaning against him. 'Also, what should I call Robin? Like, papa? I can't call him daddy, because you are daddy already.'

'Felicia, let's not go too fast here,' Robin said quickly. 'Just call me Robin, that's way more comfortable. Also, I am not planning on marrying your dad.'

'You are not?' Peter looked at him, feeling betrayed.

'Not yet, at least,' Robin said, rolling his eyes. 'I can't make any promises, Felicia. But I'm glad you're supportive.'

'Duh,' Felicia said. 'I'm a 21st century girl.'

Then she got distracted again. 'Oh my god, an attraction park! Can we go there, daddy?'

"That's actually not such a bad idea," Peter thought to himself, looking at Robin. They hadn't come up with a date for next week yet.

Robin looked back equally excited. 'Can we?'

Peter chuckled. 'Sure. Next week?'

'Well, you know me,' Robin shrugged. 'Always free.'

'Great,' Peter said. 'We can do Thursday then. In the afternoon.'

'Oh my god, yayy!' Felicia exclaimed, hugging Peter and then Robin. 'I love you!'

Robin squeezed Peter's hand in excitement, his smile wide, causing Peter to mirror it. "This is going to be so much fun."


I love "Strong woman Do Bong Soon" man, I've seen it like three times. And the sequel is awesome too. Love it.

Double trouble couple~

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