67. Screwed over

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'What's wrong?'

Peter snapped back to reality. He was staring at the kids, who were playing on the floor of Mrs Wilson's house. She looked at him with her piercing gaze, as if she was looking right through him.

'It's Robin,' Peter sighed. 'He has been unwell lately and yesterday... he told me I should find a new nanny.'

'And you don't want to?'

'Of course not! He's family. He finally found a home with us, but I can see it doesn't feel as home to him anymore and I don't know why he feels that way. I have no idea what's going on in his head, because he won't talk to me.'

'Well, maybe he just needs some space,' Mrs Wilson said.

'You're saying... I should?'

'Well, yeah. Temporarily, that is. He's still working for you three days a week. If he's really unwell, give him a few weeks off, let him recover. Because this isn't working. You look like you haven't slept in ages and it's affecting the kids too. Let him get back to his own life and he might start to miss you guys again.'

'Well, that's not a bad idea,' Peter said. 'But where do I find a new nanny? It took me long enough to find this one, and Felicia and David, I don't want them to get attached again to someone who will eventually leave them.'

'No worries,' Mrs Wilson said. 'You know, I was thinking. Lately I've been feeling like my life is a little boring, and these small ones always light up my day. Sure, they're very energetic, but Tabitha is home most of the time too, she can help me take care of them. I can handle them more than one day a week. Not all four, though. Monday, Wednesday and Friday. You'll just have to find someone who's available on the Tuesdays.'

'Really? You would do that?' Peter asked in disbelief.

'What?' she scoffed. 'I know I'm older, but it's still only been a year. I did this in Leah's last weeks too, remember?'

'Yeah. Yeah, you did. Thank you so much. I think I already know someone for the Tuesdays.'

'Well, that's settled then.' She smiled. 'Let him bounce back on his own, but don't let go of him. He may need you more than he lets on.'

'I know,' Peter said. 'And I won't.'

He looked at the kids, then back at his mother-in-law. 'Mom, back when we met again, why did you take out your anger on him? That was very unlike you. You knew it was not his fault, right?'

She nodded, then sighed. 'Actually, it didn't have much to do with you. I haven't told you about this, but I actually knew who he was when he said his name.'

'You did?' That was surprising. Robin himself said he hardly knew anyone here and he certainly didn't seem to know who Mrs Wilson was.

'Yeah, kind of. Does the name "Isaac" ring any bells with you? Isaac Dawson.'

'Yeah, yeah. I've heard a thing or two about him. How do you know him?'

'Well, shortly after Leah passed and we lost contact, Tabby started dating him. They had been going out for a while, but because of the circumstances, they had waited before telling us. We accepted him into a family, only for Tabby to catch him in the act a few weeks later... with your Robin.'

Peter gasped. 'What? How- how is that possible?'

'Well, what do you think?' Mrs Wilson rolled her eyes. 'So, he told her it was a mistake, just one time, that Robin had seduced him and he didn't want to and all that stuff.'

'No.' Peter shook his head. 'No, Robin would never knowingly do that.'

'I know, at least now,' Mrs Robinson said. 'I mean, we didn't believe Isaac either, Tabby immediately ended things, but since they had become official weeks ago, we all assumed Robin would have known about it. But ever since I met him... you're right, he doesn't seem like the type. Tabby talked to him, at Davey's birthday, brought up love. She said he seemed heartbroken. It seems like Tabby and him were both screwed over by that guy.'

'Sh*t...' Peter's heart hurt for Robin. He had kind of expected it to be something like this, but still, hearing it like this... Imagine thinking you found the one, only to discover you were a secret they were hiding from their actual lover. It was cruel. And Tabs too. Two people he deeply cared about, hurt by the same selfish guy. Isaac Dawson. Peter would make sure to remember that name, so that, if he ever were to meet the guy, he could break every single one of his bones, one by one.

Mrs Wilson handed him a tissue. 'Come on, I know you're a crybaby, but not in front of the kids, please. They've absorbed enough negative energy already.'

Peter nodded, wiping his cheeks.

'Did you not know?' she asked.

'I mean, I suspected it. I pieced a few things together, but he never told me the whole story. And now I feel so bad for him. He told me he doesn't believe in love anymore and after this... I can understand, you know. He must've felt so hurt and alone, I can imagine he doesn't want to risk feeling like that ever again.'

'All the more reason why you should hold onto him. Don't let him be hurt and alone again. If there's anyone who can prove to him that love, true love, exists, it's you, Peter.'

That made Peter break down in sobs again, before Leah's mom pulled his head against her chest, petting his back again. 'There's just no end to your tears,' she sighed. 'But you deserve a second chance too, Peter. You've more than proven that you deserve it. So just chase your happiness. But give it some time too.'

'Why is daddy crying again?' Felicia asked.

'Happy tears, Felicia,' Mrs Wilson said. 'Happy tears.'


Whoop whoop more trauma to Robin. It doesn't get much worse, I promise. I mean, how much worse can it get after your dad abandoned you, living in poverty with your mom until she dies, dropping out at 16 because your uncle can't pay your tuition fee, getting cheated on by your first love and getting SA's by your nanny's best friend employee. I'm just saying, even I run out of idea's- (I swear, it wasn't even intentional, just for the hurt/comfort)

The way I can see a drag queen perform to this, it's so vogue. LE SSERAFIM always SLAYS the house DOWN.

I'm a mess in distress but I'm still the best dressed~

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