21. Bet

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Felicia and David were overjoyed when Peter told them Robin would be living with them soon. Felicia had immediately started summing up the things they could do now, things she wanted to do with all of them and how they should change the guest room.

Yes, Robin would use the guest room. Him sleeping in the same bed as Peter had been an exception because Peter hadn't slept properly for weeks and needed to sleep a full night. With just the knowledge that Robin was in the same house as him, he was able to sleep well enough.

Anyway, it was now Thursday morning and they were all getting ready to help Robin pack his stuff and move it to their house. Peter and Robin had both been busy settling legal matters like the contract and Robin's mortgage, but they had gotten it done, though Robin had to pay a deposit, but Peter had insisted on paying half of it. Robin had also told Alexander, who was slightly sad but not too bad, since Robin promised to meet up with him frequently and he didn't live that far  away anyway.


When Robin opened the door to his apartment, Peter was not really surprised about the blue wallpaper, though it was darker than he had expected. But that had to do with the star-theme of the room. Peter was gawking at the aesthetic beauty that Robin had composed. Of course, he knew the boy was artistic, but he still hadn'tfully processed the level of talent that Robin had in so many areas. The way not only the wall and ceiling had stars on them, but also the picture frames, lights and coasters were star-shaped, along with many other decorations, was really satisfying. Peter felt kinda bad for taking Robin away from something he had obviously put quite some time into.

Robin had already packed a lot of boxes, so most of the decorations were gone. Yet, on his night stand stood a photograph of who Peter assumed to be his mom. Robin had slept at home these last nights because he needed to pack some things anyway and Peter was a little more assured now, so he slept at least three hours every night. As for the rest of those nights, it was still mainly fear and breathing difficulties, but well, it was over from now on.


Today they were mainly getting the decorations off the wall and disassembling the bed, table and nightstand. Robin quickly grabbed the photograph before they started taking apart the nightstand.

'Is that your mom?' asked Peter, who stood behind him.

Robin nodded, showing the photograph to Peter. The picture showed a really young woman, maybe in her early thirties, not much older. Her hair was the same colour as Robin's, but curly. Her eyes had the same brightness as Robin's, but they were dark brown instead of light blue like Robin's. She had a wide smile which accentuated here apple cheeks, and overall she looked really attractive and energetic. She really resembled Robin.

'She's beautiful.' he said. 'Also, she looks so young.'

'Hm.' Robin nodded. 'She was a teenage mom. When she passed away, she was only thirty-one.

'Ahh, that's indeed really young.' Just 6 years older than Leah was when she passed away.

'Hm.' Robin brushed the picture with his fingertips fondly. Peter ruffled his hair. 'You know, you are really strong.'

Robin looked confused.

'While I still can't look at a picture of Leah without at least tearing up, you can smile while looking at that picture of your mom, you can actually face... face the fact that she's not here anymore. Meanwhile I-I...'

Robin laid his hand on Peter's shoulder and patted his shoulder softly. 'Your time will come too, Peter. It took me two years to accept it, and it's been four years now. You will eventually get over it too.'

'Yah!' Alexander yelled from the kitchen, where David and Felicia are keeping him from his work since they had liked  the redhead a lot from the moment they had met him. 'Must you two really flirt in front of me and the kids?'

Robin grinned and savagely replied: 'Coming from the one who was so affectionate in public that he got caught in a major scandal.'

'But the kids-'

'Don't worry, we're used to it.' said Felicia. Then she said something in Korean. She had picked up the language in no time as expected and now she talked to Alexander in Korean from time to time. Peter didn't really trust her because she would giggle and Alexander would snicker too so he assumed that she regarded it as a great language to gossip in, which made him feel slightly uncomfortable.

'Should I try to learn Korean?' he asked Robin quietly.

Robin giggled. 'Are you sure you can?'

'Hey, I'm a language teacher!' Peter was offended. 'Can you though?'

'That I dropped out of school at a young age does not mean I wasn't good. Should we bet on it? The one who can understand Felicia first won't have to do the dishes for a month.'

'No, if you lose you'll have to sleep in my bed for the entire month.'

'No can do.' said Robin quickly.

'Oh, are you afraid that you are going to lose?' Peter teased.

'No, but I want a prize if I win too. Or it's unfair.'

'Then you should just lose.' Peter grinned at the boy, patting his head. 'It's up to you, sweetheart.'


Oh Juno I'm still trying to process the fact that people are saying I look like your mom-

I'm usually not into Japanese K-Pop songs (except for X-phenomenon ofc) but this sh*t is dope man.

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