68. Come back to us

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'What's the matter, my dear son?' Mrs Robinson said, picking up the phone.

'Well, I told you about Robin, right?'

'Yeah. How is he?'

'Not much better. I need a favour, mom.'

'Oh, what is it?'

'If it isn't too much, could you take care of the kids on Tuesday for some time?'

'Oh dear,' Mrs Robinson sighed. 'It's that bad?'

'Yeah,' Peter said. 'Every day, his mental state gets worse. He leaves as soon as he can and I hardly see him smile. I think that, not just as his friend, but also as his employer, I should give him some space, because he is not getting any better staying here and neither are we.'

It hurt him to say those words, because he wanted to help Robin so badly, but there was nothing he could do now, except giving him space.

'Oh, goodness. Yeah, I'm free. Are you okay?'

'I am,' Peter said. 'Just worried, that's all. Hopefully this will help.'

'Yeah, well, before he thinks you're firing him, don't forget to tell him that you're not letting him go. I know that boy a bit by now. I refuse to believe he doesn't care about you anymore, so you telling him this might hurt him. Don't break his heart, okay?'

'Of course I won't,' Peter said. 'Thank you, mom. This means a lot to me.'

'Oh by the way, what about the other days?' Mrs Robinson asked.

'Oh, Mrs Wilson offered to take those.'

'No way!' Mrs Robinson exclaimed. 'Good for you, Pete. It's really good to hear you've made up.'

'Absolutely,' Peter said. 'At least there's a silver lining in this situation.'

'Just hang in there,' Mrs Robinson said. 'And believe me, that boy will be back.'


When Peter saw Robin that Friday morning, he couldn't hold himself back and hugged the younger. 'I love you. You know that, right?'

Robin pushed him away. 'Peter!' he whisper-yelled, eyes big.

'I'm sorry,' Peter said. 'I just wanted you to know. Also, don't hurry off after work. I need to talk to you.'

'We already talked,' Robin said. 'I said everything I needed to say.'

'Yeah well, not about that. Just um... yeah, you'll hear.'

'Okay.' Robin said. He did not seem very enthusiastic.


'So?' Robin asked when Peter sent him off in the hallway

'I found someone who will take care of the kids.'

At that, Robin halted. His eyes widened a little before he continued. 'Really? Who is it?'

'Mrs Wilson.'

'Mrs Wilson? But she's...'

'Old? Well, it's only for a few weeks of course. Just as long as you need to get back on your feet.'

'Peter, I-'

'No,' Peter said strictly. 'You are not in your right mind right now. You're right, your mental state is affecting you and us. But that doesn't mean you should be discarded like some kind of dysfunctional toy. It just means you need some time. Take all the time you need to work through whatever you are working through right now. Focus on yourself. I've thought about it, and maybe a break is what's best for all of us. We should become more independent too. But I'm not going to let go of you. Not now, not ever. Because you were wrong. You are already enough for us. We love you and all your imperfections, no matter what. And that's why we want you to get better.'

'But Peter...'

'Just do it,' Peter said. 'You are not broken. You just need time to heal. Take it, and come back. Come back to us.'

Robin seemed like he was holding back tears, but he nodded. 'Okay then. I will try.'

'Keep me updated, okay?' Peter said. 'And in the meantime, if you miss me or the kids, just drop by. You know you're always welcome here, no matter the time. We just need to see your face.'

'Hm-mm.' Robin's voice sounded quiet.

Peter watched him through the window as he walked away, his arm in front of his face, visibly shaking from crying. He saw him stumbling into the car door and grabbing a bottle from his jacket before swallowing down a pill. His heart ached, but he knew this was the only thing he could do for him right now. Let him go. Even if it hurt. Robin was going through some stuff he needed to figure out on his own. But after that, Peter would be there for him, waiting with open arms. He just needed to have patience.


My heart is breaking ughh. The way you can see Robin still cares so much and he's struggling so hard to keep it all in TT

The way this was so awesome that even YouTube itself commented on it, wow.

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