26. Homeless

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Robin's POV

Robin was back with Peter again that Friday afternoon, when he received a call from Alexander. Alexander had been emotionally instable all day yesterday, switching between crying happy tears while seeing his love and hearing his voice and crying of pain over not being able to be there with him and the others. His big dream had been destroyed, and yesterday marked that. The path towards his dream was broken forever.

Therefore, Robin had stayed over that night, though he had left early to go back to his starlights.

But Alexander called him, around 2PM -David was asleep and Felicia at school- his voice completely incomprehensible.

'What are you saying, mate?' Robin asked, not knowing what to expect, just a bit worried.

'Sungjae... Sungjae, he called me.' Alexander almost choked on his tears, but Robin heard a smile too. Good news?

'What did he say?' 

'Sunday noon, 2PM.'

'Sunday noon, 2PM...'

'Robin, Starship Entertainment is giving me ten minutes!' Alexander exclaimed. 'Ten minutes, I can talk to him for ten minutes!'

'That's amazing!' Robin jumps up from the chair he was sitting on, reading the book Peter had given him even though he had only just started reading it, and starts pacing around the living room, feeling so happy for his friend. 'Why so all of a sudden though?'

'I don't know, Sungjae didn't say much, but I'm so grateful. Oh my god, I need to make sure he's alright. I'm so worried about him, I miss him, I-I- oh my god, I can't-' Robin hears a thud and an "ahh" and startles. 'Are you okay?'

'Yes, yes, I just bumped into a lamp, I'm too excited. Anyway, come give me some mental support on Sunday if it's not too much for you. I'll need it.'

'I'll definitely be there.' Robin promises.


He left on Sunday afternoon, leaving Peter and his kids behind again. Peter told him it was okay for him to stay over with Alexander for another night but then Robin should sleep in his bed for a night. Of course Robin wasn't obliged to listen to him, but he did anyway, because he felt like he was going to miss him too.

'I don't even know what our status is right now.' Alexander realized shortly after Robin came. 'We haven't even talked since the scandal, I don't even know if he still wants to fight for our future. Imagine me just popping up there like "oh my god I love you so much" when his feelings already changed. And I don't even know if he will be supervised. Probably. What should I say? How much is ten minutes? What if-'

Robin let him ramble, he was nervous and Robin understood. He was only now starting to truly understand Alexander's pain. The younger had lost his dream and was uncertain about many things in his life, could probably barely walk the streets if he ever were to go back to Korea, didn't know whether he could ever see his boyfriend again, and right now he had to watch as the person he shared the same dream with fulfilled it, while he couldn't ever go back, and the gap between him and his love only grew bigger. All of that just because he loved someone.

Robin figured he was quite lucky. He didn't have much to lose now, except for Peter, Felicia and David. But Peter was the most supportive man on this planet, so he wouldn't need to worry about getting kicked out.

Unless he were to find a new wife one day. That was of course possible. He was still rather young, and with his sweet and sensitive personality, everyone should love him. And he had the most adorable kids to top it off. Seriously, how likely was it for such a man to stay single for the rest of his life? Right, highly unlikely.

Even though Robin truly wished Peter all the luck, the thought of him getting into another relationship kind of itched him. Maybe because he didn't know where to go. He doubted if he would ever be able to find a place that felt at least as much like a home as here. He would probably feel homeless forever.

Though that was not all his worries. Something else was itching him as well, but Robin couldn't really pinpoint it. He just didn't like the idea of Peter remarrying. Why? No idea.


Of course we do have an idea lol but let's let him figure out by himself

Alexander's hyungnim's be slayin', killin', chillin'~

But I freeze for a solid three seconds everytime I hear that one Changkyun line-

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