32. What family should do

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Peter took a whole week off in advance. He felt a bit bad for burdening the school, but he did provide his replacements with everything they needed to make their job as easy as possible, and called a few people of his homeroom class to talk with them about their progress and to check whether none of his students were left out. His homeroom class was 9B, but he would occasionally take class 7E upon himself as well. Their homeroom teacher this year, mister Johnson, had a burnout within three weeks and was still recovering. After him, no one was willing to take the role upon themselves. Well, Peter had offered but they simply forbade him, saying he should not take any more pressure upon himself than was already on him. Of course they meant Leah's passing last year. 

Still, since no one else had volunteered they had just divided the students among the teachers. Peter's students were the hacker and prank-mastermind Robert, Kim, whose parents were the richest of the entire school and just threw money at all the problems he encountered, the actually rather normal tomboy Roxy, who was among the better students in the class with an average score of 54% right now, and the quiet Cooper. Cooper had an untouchable position. Every single student in class 7E respected him and once he did say something they were laying at his feet. He had more power over them than Robert, Ivan, Mathieu and Samantha did. It was a mystery how he did it, but Peter was trying to get him to talk to him. It might be a bit ambitious, but if he managed to change the boy's mind, maybe there was hope for class 7E. 

9B was a rather simple class consisting of 20 students of which most were really hardworking and determined. There were two of three failing subjects, but it was still fixable so Peter just helped them as much as possible. 

Taking a week off was not a bad decision. Robin's fever did not exceed the forty degrees limit but when he had nightmares it came close multiple times.

His fever went down gradually that Tuesday. Peter had just taken his temperature -which was 38.7 degrees- when the boy started stirring and eventually opened his eyes. 

It was not the first time he wake up, but unlike previous times, he woke up calmly and his gaze wasn't as blurry, now slowly examining the room, eventually landing on Peter. 

'Oh.' he said, blinking a few times.

'You're awake.' Peter smiled at the younger sweetly. 'How do you feel?'

Robin needed a little time to get adjusted and process the question, then he replied: 'Fine, just a little... hot.'

Peter helped him sit up and drink some water. 'Alright, here you go.'

'Thank you.' Robin replied, drinking the water. 

'Did you already feel sick when you were at Alexander's?' Peter asked after putting the glass back on the nightstand and laying Robin back down. '

'A bit... I had these weird, feverish dreams, and after that my breathing was weird and I felt hot and dizzy. But I forgot about that because I was in a hurry this morning... wait, what day is it?'

'It's Tuesday.'

'Ah, Tuesday already.' Robin sighed. 'Did you take care of me all this time?'

'Hm.' Peter whiped a few strands of hair from Robin's sweaty forehead. 

Robin laid his hand atop of Peter's, smiling at the older. 'Thank you, Peter.'

'I'm only doing what family should do.' Peter replied sincerely.

Robin's eyes slowly fell shut again. He was still smiling.


That smile faded after a while, when he started sweating and stirring again, his eyes moving rapidly behind his closed eyelids. He was dreaming again. 

It was 9PM and Peter had just finished work and went to bed early since after all he didn't know what else he should do. 

He shuffled closer to Robin and wrapped his arm around the younger's waist, pressing his face to his chest. 'It's okay Robin, I'm here.' he said, in the same way as Robin would same thing in those times when Peter needed it.

Robin's breathing was still quick, but his body relaxed a bit and his hand slid over Peter's waist. Then, Peter heard him whisper, and he leaned over to hear Robin say a name.


Even though Peter had no idea who the boy was addressing, a shock went through his body. Right now, Robin was living in a horrible past, reexperiencing it all. But this name, Isaac, coming from Robin's mouth it was completely new to Peter. Robin had never once mentioned him, yet he seemed to have been a huge part of Robin's life, considering the fact that Robin naturally assumed that the person who was holding him was that Isaac. They must have been close. 

Somehow, it didn't sit right with Peter. For no apparent reason, he felt weird. He had mindlessly assumed that he was the only one Robin had ever been this close with that wasn't his mom, but apparently that was a lie.

For some reason he felt a bit disappointed.

Still, he wanted to make the younger feel secure. He held Robin a bit tighter and buried his face in the raven locks. 

'Hm. It's me.'


A little jealousy~ but Peter is so considerate omg

The amount of inside jokes is killing me, but it's so sweet omg I love this fam

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