80. Saturday dates

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Peter didn't think he had ever looked forward to coming home this much. There was a huge traffic jam and he was so close to just abandoning his car and running home. After what felt like an eternity, he finally pulled up into his own street. He parked the car and almost forgot to lock it. It seemed like Robin hadn't heard him getting home over the noise of the extractor hood. Quietly, Peter closed the door and took off his coat and shoes before walking inside. He put his finger to his lips when Felicia saw him and she understood, shushing David before he could yell.

He walked into the kitchen, where Robin was standing with his back towards him. He was wearing his apron again, which he hadn't done the last few times he cooked for them. A smile grew on Peters face as he slowly approached Robin and slid his arms around his waist.

'Oh my god!' Robin got startled so hard that he almost dropped the salt box in the pan. Luckily, his great reflexes saved the food from becoming immediate cardiac-arrest-material. He put the salt box down with shaky hands and turned around to glare at Peter. 'Peter! Will you please promise me to never do that again? I almost got a heart attack and so would all of you if I dropped that box in there.'

Peter was just grinning at him, because he had not let go of him and now Robin's face was very close to his.

'Ugh, I can't with you,' Robin complained, pushing Peter away. 'You really don't understand the concept of personal space, do you?'

'Not after a long day with class 7E, no,' Peter said. 'Can't I be happy to see the love of my life?'

Robin still seemed grumpy as he turned his back on Peter and returned to the pan.

'Alright, I'm sorry,' Peter quickly said. 'Next time, I will announce when I am going to hug you.'

'Yeah,' Robin said. 'Or just don't.'

'Sorry, I can't do that. Not when I feel like you were made specifically for my arms.'

Robin scoffed. 'You're unbelievable.'

Peter pulled himself up on the counter and observed Robin. 'I've probably told you this before, but you look so good in this apron.'

Robin scoffed again, but he couldn't hide a smile this time.


After dinner, Robin even stayed and put the kids to bed. He barely had a choice, though. Felicia had stated that morning that if he was not going to put her to bed tonight, she would go on a sleep strike and keep Peter awake. Well, Peter would probably be awake either way, but her determination convinced Robin, or he had already decided on doing so before she asked. They were gone for quite some time. When Robin came downstairs, he sat on the sofa across from Peter. 'How are Davey's nightmares now?'

'He's gotten better,' Peter said. 'I guess he could sense how bad you were feeling. He's very sensitive to things like that, as you know. But when you took a break, surprisingly, he slept much better. Well, occasionally he still has them, but not three times every night anymore.'

'Gosh,' Robin said. 'How did you even handle that?'

'I have no idea,' Peter said. 'I was at my wits end, so I was only happy when it stopped. I didn't want him to get used to sleeping in my bed as a coping mechanism, because that simply isn't a good long-term-solution, but ignoring it was also not an option, so I kept having to drag myself out of bed. It felt like the first months after his birth all over again. Well, I survived that, so I could do this too, but I was still glad when it was over.'

'Naturally,' Robin said. 'And did your sleep improve after that?'

'Um...' Peter awkwardly bit his lip.

Robin sighed. 'I understand, though. Last few weeks must have been tough on you too, knowing absolutely nothing. I'm really sorry.'

'It's okay,' Peter said. 'Both of us could have handled it better, but it turned out alright in the end. Besides, I've been talking to Anita about sleep medication, probably getting it soon.'

'That's great news,' Robin sighed in relief. 'Your insomnia is not as bad as mine, so it will probably work well for you.'

Peter nodded. 'And how has your sleep been lately?'

Robin demonstratively looked away while shielding his gaze from Peter. 'Let's not dive into that subject, shall we?'

'Alright,' Peter said. 'Well, you're always welcome to get a comfortable night of sleep in my bed.'

'Though I have to admit I am slightly tempted by your offer, I don't think it's a very good idea. For now.'

Peter smiled at him. 'Of course, no worries. When you're ready.'

'Thank you,' Robin said, looking grateful. 'Well, I think I'm going to leave now, if you'll let me.'

'Hm... should I do that or not?' Peter joked. 'Does this mean that if I don't let you, you'll stay?'

'Nope, I'll leave either way,' Robin said, getting up. Laughing, Peter got up and walked him to the hallway, watching as he put on his stuff. 'Well, this is uncomfortable,' Robin commented.

'I'm just savouring every moment,' Peter replied. 'Next time you're going to be here will be next Monday. Unless you can't miss me, that is.'

Scoffing, Robin pushed him softly and walked to the door. He put his hand on the doorknob, but stopped when Peter called his name and turned around. 'Yeah?'

'Are you free this Saturday?'

'That depends. What are you going to ask?'

'Go on a date with me,' Peter said. 'Actually, let's make it a Saturday-thing. So far, we've only spent time together with the kids or just talking. I want to take you out for fun stuff, the dating part.'

Robin hesitated. 'What did you have in mind?'

'Well, a colleague of mine who is into art won't shut up about this gallery that just opened...'

Just one look at Robin's big eyes was enough to know that he needed no further convincing. 'Say no more.'


It's a good thing I had all these chapters ready already. This way I can even provide you with new chapters if I have no inspiration. I've already finished chapter 95 so it should be fine. I really do hope I can wrap it up soon, because a hundred chapters is a lot, even though they're short.

Speaking of books with many chapters, last Friday I found a xianxia danmei in a local bookstore, so I bought it. Then I discovered there were 6 more parts, so I bought those too. The novel is called "Heaven official's blessing" by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu and I was obsessed with one particular novel of hers back in 2019, which had a live adaptation which is still my profile pic. So anygays, I am really excited about it and have been reading non-stop since last Friday. Her writing style is amazing, the setting is awesome, it's like fantasy mixed with (mlm) romance. Its plot is really intriguing and then there's that tension-filled, spectacular romance on the side, so yeah, check it out if you haven't yet.

Olivia's new album slays. I love this particular song because (duh) it's kinda gay, and also more of a soft vibe, and it reminds me of one of the biggest hits in music history, which is Dolly Parton's Jolene, of course. Which is also kinda gay imo.

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