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Monday, after school, Emma gets to the library and finds an empty table, big enough for two peoples books, placing a piece of paper down, telling everyone that she is the tutor.

She writing things down when the chair across from her moves and she looks up through her lashes, surprised when she sees Noah.

"Hi." He says.

"Hi. Wouldn't expect to see you here."

"Neither would I. My dads making me."


Emma looks at the time on her phone to see he's a few minutes early.

"Would expect you to be late, on the other hand."

"Got good time management skills." He shrugs with a smirk.

"Oh, yeah?"


"Okay." She chuckles. "What class or classes do you need help with?"

"Algebra and ELA."

"What are your grades, now?"


"Okay. You have anything you're working on, now in either?"

He nods and gets the chrome book from his bag, opening it on the table and going to his essay that he was supposed to start two days ago, but has nothing. He turns the chrome around and she takes it, reading through the instructions from the syllabus.

"Okay, I can help with this."

"Good 'cause I have no idea what to do."

"That's fine." She smiles. "Happens."

"I don't expect to you?" He smirks.

"Sometimes." She shrugs.

He snickers and she turns the chrome to an angle where they can both see the screen to continue reading the instructions.

"This basically just says that you need to find something that you're excited for in the near future, party, trip, anything and write a long ass essay, explaining why your excited."

"Why don't they just say that?"

"I have no idea. Make it a hell of a lot easier. Anything in mind?"

"I have a family reunion coming up? Would that work?"

"Yeah, it would. Why that?"

"I get to see the family I haven't seen in years."

"You could write about who you are most excited to see. Cousins or grandparents, doesn't matter who."

"That could work."

"Maybe even right about the downfalls of a reunion. Expectations from family. Meeting people who say that they remember when you were this big."

"That is so annoying."

"I know." Emma chuckles. "Write down ideas before getting to the actual essay. It'll make it a lot easier. Right now, though, I would like to see what you have in algebra."

Noah nods and takes the chrome back, going to his math class and turning it back to it's original position.

"I have a test on Thursday."

"Did your teacher give out a study guide?"


He goes to his back pack and pulls out a wrinkled paper, handing it to her as she goes over what he's learning.

"I just took this test, so it'll be easier to help you with than I thought."


After an hour of tutoring, Emma and Noah pick up their stuff and head out the library doors.

"I'm available everyday, so feel free to show up when ever." Emma states.

"Okay. I'll be back tomorrow, then. I never even asked, you're name's Emma, right?"

"It is, yeah."

"Oh, cool, I remembered."


He gives her a fake glare with a smile tugging at the corner of his lips as she raises her brow.

"Very funny."

"I know, I am."

Noah rolls his eyes and waves her off as she walks to the schools doors, him heading to the locker rooms for practice.

"How was your tutoring session?" Nathan teases.

"Good, actually. Very helpful."

"I bet."

"Who was the tutor?" Logan asks.

"Emma Young."

"Oh, the really quiet girl?" Jacob asks.


"She's weird." Shawn states.

"Not really." Noah shrugs. "She's just smart. She was actually kinda funny."

"Is our boy falling in love?" Jacob asks.

"Shut the hell up. No, I'm not."

"I'm calling it." Nathan states. "They're gonna end up together."

"Oh, Jesus Christ." Noah sighs. "You all annoying as hell."

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