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"I have a question." Nathan states.

It's Friday at lunch and he just whispered some stuff to Jacob.

"For whom?" Emma asks behind her phone.

"Whom." Noah chuckles, making Emma smile.

"Weirdos." Logan sighs.

"For Noah." Nathan shakes his head.

"Shoot." He shoves food in his mouth.

Nathan and Jacob look at each other with mischievous smirks before turning back to Noah.

"You a virgin?"

Noahs head shoots up out of surprise while the four smirk.

"Not anymore." Emma nonchalantly states, still behind her phone.

Their mouths fall agape while Noah smiles at her completely focused straight face.

"Are you serious?" Jacob smiles.


They celebrate with loud shouts and smiles as Noah just sits there, still watching Emma. She feels eyes on her and turns to look at him, winking at him before turning back, making the boys more excited.

"Holy shit!" Logan shouts.

Jacob holds his hand up to Emma and she high fives it with a straight face.

"She's so calm." Shawn laughs.

"Five times."

"Shut the fuck up." Jacob smiles.


"That's what that was from?!" Shawn asks.

"Yeah." Noah chuckles.

"You guys virgins?" Emma smirks.

"Shut up." Jacob sings.

"We're asking the questions." Nathan states.

"Good job, bub. The first one." Emma pats his back.

"Thank you." Noah nods.

Emma stands up, still completely nonchalant as she goes to throw away her trash.

"Dude." Jacob sings.

"You're girlfriend is awesome." Logan points.

"Obviously." Noah scoffs.

"So calm." Nathan sighs.

"It's creepy sometimes." Shawn states.

Emma is about to walk back to the table, but a teacher stops her and she walks to them with a smile.

"Is that a fake smile?" Nathan asks. "Her mood just changed."

"Umm?" Jacob asks.

"It's half fake." Noah nods. "She likes the teacher, but she's just not in the mood for, like, anything, right now."

Emma stops talking to the teacher and her smile drops as she walks away.

"Oh, damn." Shawn sings.

"She's really not in the mood." Logan chuckles.

She sits back at the table and lays her head on Noahs shoulder, hugging his arm.

"What's wrong?" He worriedly asks.

"You sure you boys wanna know?"

The four cover their ears as she turns to look at them, making her chuckle and look up at Noah.

"Oh." He realizes. "How painful is it?"

"Scientist compare it to having a four day heart attack. I believe it."

"Oh, wow. You have any pain meds?"

"No. I don't want to ask the office."


"Yeah. Even though it's a normal thing nearly every woman goes through, it still is."

He takes his arm back and wraps it around her waist, pulling her closer as she lays her head on his shoulder. Noah gives the others a thumbs up and they slowly take their hands away from their ears.

"We good?" Jacob nervously asks.

"Yeah." Noah chuckles.

Emma squeezes her eyes shut as she tries to breath normally, but can't, making the pain worse. Her eyes water and she lays her head on the table, instead.

"Em?" Noah calls.

"I need to go home." She cries.

He stands quickly and takes her phone and bag, holding her hand and pulling her up with him.

"Bye, Emma." The boys wave.



Noah comes back into the lunch room ten minutes later, Emma gone.

"She okay?" Jacob asks.

"No, she couldn't drive, so Erin picked her up. Said that scientist say it's like a four day heart attack."

"Dude, what?" Nathan asks.

"I know. Could one of you follow me in my car while I drop off hers?"

"Yeah." Jacob nods.

"I am so glad I'm not a girl." Shawn scoffs.

"Mhmm." Logan and Nathan agree.

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