Just as the day before, Emma gets to the library, not putting up the sign this time. Noah shows up at the same time and sits across from her.

"I have a list."


"The reasons I'm excited for the reunion, of course."

"Oh, sorry." She mocks. "Let me see."

He laughs and pulls out a note book, flipping to the right page and handing it to her.

"These are perfect examples. We don't have to use all of them, so choose three of your favorites."

"I wrote all those for nothing?" Noah throws his arms out.


"You're supposed to say, no, you did a great job. The hell?

"No, you did a great job." She chuckles.

"Thank you." He smiles.

"Now, shut up and choose three."

"Alright, bossy."

Emma holds back laughter, making him laugh.

"What are we so happy about?" Jacob asks as he takes a seat beside Noah.

Him and Emma look up and see Jacob, Nathan, Shawn, and Logan as they all take seats around them. Logan and Shawn on both sides of an unamused Emma who rolls her eyes.

"Why?" Noah asks. "Why are you here?"

"We came to see what's so exciting about tutoring." Jacob states.

"You guys need it, too?" Emma asks and Noah smiles. "Why do I even ask? Of course, you do."

"You're right, she is funny." Nathan glares with a fake laugh.

"Nice outfit." Shawn tells Emma.

"Sure you don't mean that, but I don't give a fuck."

"Thought you were quiet." Logan states.

"I am when I'm trying to learn. Not when I'm interrupted."

Noah smirks while the other boys raise their brows with surprise as the quiet girl speaks her mind.

"Well, damn." Logan says.

"You can leave, now." Noah states.

"No, I think we're good." Jacob nods.

"Here. We'll give you a little space." Nathan says.

They all move to the other end of the long table, turning to watch the two. Noah flips them off as Emma giggles into her papers.


Noah has his first paragraph done when he looks to the end of the table.

"When'd they leave?"

"They didn't." Emma sighs. "They're over there, pretending to read."

She points with her pencil to the table next to theirs. The four sit with upside down books in the hands, directly next to each other. Noah turns to look and they hide behind their books as their bodies shake with laughter.

"Oh my god." He sighs.

"It's quiet amusing." Emma chuckles. "Never even said a word to any of you and, now they're stalking us."

"We are not stalking." Jacob states.

"Point proven. Hour's up in a few minutes, so we might as well just pack up."

"Aw, man." Logan whines.

"Dumbasses." Noah chuckles.

He turns forward and the two start packing their stuff, standing at the same time as the boys.

They walk out ahead before Noah and Emma follow, walking behind while they walk backwards, continuing to mess with Noah.

The dumbasses end up running into another student who drops her stuff. Emma races over to help her as the boys just move to the side to watch.

"Good job." Noah nods as he comes to their side. "Need help?"

"No, we got it." Emma answers. "You alright?"

"Yeah, I'm good." Izzy nods anxiously.

"No need to be nervous. I apologize on behalf of the assholes." She glares as they stand.

"It's okay."

"Wow, she's mean." Nathan sighs.

Izzy thanks Emma and walks off as Emma turns to Noah.

"Tomorrow or no?"


"Cool. Bye."


Emma grins and turns to the others who smirk as they watch the two. Her smile drops and she flips them off as she walks away, making Noah laugh.

"Completely different from what we thought." Jacob states.

"She's still weird." Nathan shrugs.

"Morons." Noah shakes his head.

"According to your girlfriend, we're assholes." Logan states.

"She is not- oh my god."

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