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All spring break and half of the school week the guys have been bombarding Noah and Emma with multiple questions about why they 'broke up'. Neither have answered them and have barely spoke to each other, not knowing what to say, but trying with anything they have.

Moping around their rooms while wearing smiles or any other emotion around their families, not having told them about it, yet.


It's Thursday morning and Emma walks right past Noahs locker giving a quick wave to him and the others. Noah turns to his closed locker and gently slams his forehead on it, gaining the guys attention.

"Remind me why you broke up?" Jacob asks.

"I'll tell you at lunch."


The time comes around and Emma sits a few tables away while the boys sit at the same table as always. Noah watches her as she plays with her fingers above the table, not hungry enough to eat. The guys watch him watch her, worried and confused, seeing how upset both of them are.

"Now?" Nathan asks.

"What?" Noah asks.

"Tell us." Shawn demands.

Noah turns to their begging eyes and aggressively rubs his face before answering.

"We were never together."

"What?" They confusedly ask.

"It was all fake, because I decided to be a dumbass and tell my mom that I have a girlfriend, impressing my family that I've completely lied to."

They sit is silence with surprised looks on their faces as Noah groans and bangs his head on the table a few times before laying there and turning to look at Emma.

"It didn't look fake." Jacob states.

"Good acting."

"No, no." Logan shakes his head.

"That was way to good to be only acting." Shawn states.

"That's because I actually like her. Obviously."

"Well, not obvious to her." Nathan nods.

"Why are you not mad?" Noah looks up.

"Oh, no one said that." Logan states.

"We're pissed at your stupid ass for lossing the perfect girl for you." Jacob throws his hands.

"So am I."

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