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Jacob, Nathan, Shawn, and Logan have gotten their popsicles while they and Noah wait for Emma to come back to her room. She does and lays between Noahs legs, head on his lap.

"Wanna go to prom with me?"

"Ha. Sure, why not?" Emma shrugs with a smile.


"That was the strangest prom-posal I have ever seen." Nathan states.

"She doesn't like the signs." Noah smiles. "Also, said to do it at a random time and what's more random than now?"

"Mhmm." Emma agrees.

"The day before prom would be crazy." Jacob chuckles.

"Yeah." She scoffs.


Emma lays in the same spot, on her back like before as the guys talk about random things.

Noah softly plays with her hair, not realizing how tired she is as she fights to keep her eyes open.

Noah looks down to check up on his sort of sick angel, seeing her as she fights. He smiles and trails lines around her face, down her nose and on her forehead. Her eyes close as she finally drifts off to sleep, him continuing to trace.

He whispers Jacobs name and motions down, Jacob grabbing her a blanket, having read Noahs mind.

"Time to go, I guess?" Jacob chuckles.

The others turn, confused until they see and stand, agreeing to leave. They say bye to Noah while he stays behind, them going to the kitchen.

"Hey, boys." Erin greets. "You leaving?"

"Yeah." Jacob nods. "Emma fell asleep."

"On Noah." Shawn states.

"Tell me someone got a picture?" Erin stops everything

"Figured he'd want it." Nathan nods.

"Thank god."

They laugh and say goodbye before heading out the door.


Noah watches Emma sleep as he leans against the couch. He still can't believe that it's finally real and it's already been a week.

Neither of them had been expecting to find something that they would never want to let go, but it happened and they couldn't be happier for how dumb he had been to tell his parents he has a girlfriend.

Noah holds Emma close as she curls into the blanket, hugging his leg, making him smile. He knows there's no way for him to move, so he sends a picture to Lily, telling her he won't be going home tonight. She just sends a heart eyes emoji and he chuckles, putting his phone on the table and laying his head on the back of the couch, playing with her hair, again.


Erin quietly opens the door and smiles when she sees Emma curled in a sleeping in Noahs legs. She turns off the light and closes the door, going to her room.

Erin watches the two everytime he's over. She sees how both their eyes light up when speaking to the other and when they look at each other, how much they care.

Mothers see these things and she is loving every moment of it.

She had this with Emmas father. That is, until she saw the light die out and he left her.

She's praying to God that will never happen to Emma and Noah. She knows it won't happen any time soon, but it's still nerve wrecking.

According to Erin, Emma and Noah belong together.

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