When Emma got home, she had asked Erin if she could go to the game and she just said that she didn't care and don't get pregnant.

"Oh, dear lord."

Was what Emma said after that.

She went to her room and spent an hour doing homework, leaving three hours 'til the game starts.


Emma spent that time reading. Or, trying to read, but getting distracted by music. Happens to the best of us.

She grabs a jacket and says bye to her mom, getting in her car and arriving at the school in fifteen minutes.

Getting to the football fields gate, she stands in line with her student ID for a cheaper, five dollar ticket.

"I didn't expect to see you here." Ms. Wright says, taking her ID.

"I was invited by a... friend."

"Oh, well, have fun."

"Thank you."

Emma takes the ticket and her ID, heading inside. Swerving through a bunch of people, she goes to the student section of the bleachers, sitting in front row.

At six thirty, music starts playing as the team comes running to the field, making the bleachers shake as people cheer and stomp.

Noah spots Emma pretty easily, seeing the same outfit and how awkward she looks in the crowd of loud students. He laughs and runs to the fence, waving at her to come over. She smiles and hurries down the stairs, running in front of him.

"Oh, yeah, no. He doesn't like her at all." Jacob jokes.

"Not even for a second." Logan continues.


"I feel so weird being here." Emma states as she meets Noah.

"I have something that might cheer you up."

"Who said I was upset?"

"It's obvious."

"Whatever. What is it?"

"I get to continue tutoring me."

"Oh, great." She rolls her eyes and he acts offended. "I'm joking. That's good. I was a little worried about that."

"That is exactly why I need you to hand me your phone."


Emma hesitates before unlocking her screen and handing it to him. He hands it back a minute later with his number in her contacts.

"Oh, sweet, now I don't have to ask."

"You're welcome. I gotta go. Have fun up there." He teases.

"Aha aha. So funny. Fuck off. Go away."

"So mean."

"Good luck." She smiles sweetly.

Noah laughs and waves her off as he runs back to the team. Emma goes back to her surprisingly still available seat and smiles at her phone.


Half time comes around and Emma goes all the way to the gates to greet Noah as he walks out.

"I don't know shit about football, so hope you're doing good." She gives him two thumbs up, making him laugh.

"We're winning."

"Oh, good. My good luck worked, then?"


They wave as he continues walking with his team.


The game ends with home team winning, Noahs team. Emma runs back to the gate for the second time that night, waiting for Noah.

The team starts jogging over and Emma smiles when she spots Noah. Jacob taps him and points, making him smile when he sees.

"Hey, dude." She greets.

"Hey, bro."

"Ew, no."

"Aw, come on. You know you like it."

"I hate it."

The four just shake their heads in disbelief at the two air heads.

"You look disgusting." She backs away from the sweaty boy.

Noah inches closer while she continues to back away.

"I don't know you're doing, but don't you dare."

"I have no clue what you're talking about."

"Stop it."


Before she can say anything else, he shakes the sweat off his hair and she squeals, jumping away.

"You asshole!" She laughs.

He laughs and she punches his arm, making him grab it with a smile as they continue walking with the team, Jacob and them in front of them, listening closely.

"I didn't do anything."

"You mother fucker." Emma gasps. "I'm gonna kill you."

"But, you wouldn't be able to tutor me anymore."



She laughs and they continue forward.


Emma waits in the hall as the team get out of their gross jerseys and into regular clothes.

Jacob, Logan, Shawn, Nathan, and Noah walk out of the gym and Noah goes directly to Emma who hasn't seen them, yet.

"Young." Noah calls.

"Wilson." She looks up.

"What happened to dude?"

"Hey, dude."

He smiles and she stands and starts walking beside him with the other four.

"You only now gave each other your numbers?" Jacob asks.

"I have his, he doesn't have mine."

"Give me it." Noah demands.

She sticks out her hand and he hands her his phone. The four look at each other with small smiles, completely baffled.


She hands the phone back and he sticks it in his pocket.

"You guys dating, now?" Jacob asks.


"Oh my god."

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