Thursday morning and both Noah and Emma have high anxiety on their way to school.

Emma gets out of her car and sees Noah standing by the entrance doors, waiting for her. This actually makes her smile as her nerves calm a bit.

"Hey." She waves.

"Finally." He sighs dramatically.

"Oh, hush. I go the speed limit."


They meet in the middle and lean into a less awkward hug then they thought it would be, pulling away as he slowly takes her hand, interlocking their fingers.

"You ready?" He whispers.

"Nervous, but yeah."

He smiles down at her and gently pulls her to and through the doors, holding it open for her. They get a few surprised looks and pretend they didn't see, looking forward with small smiles.

"Are they-?" Jacob starts.

"They're holding hands." Logan nods.

"Has it finally happened?" Shawn smiles.

All four of them starts jumping at Noah as they reach the four. Noah and Emma just laugh as they shout excitedly.

"Fucking finally, man." Nathan smiles.

"I thought I was weird to you?" Emma smirks.

"Oh, damn." Logan sings.

"You told her?!" He asks Noah.

"I have very good hearing." Emma states.

"Apparently." He scoffs. "You're still weird."

"Oh, my." She waves him off. "I'ma go to my locker."

"What? No, he'll stop." Jacob states.

"I have class." She chuckles. "As do all of you. I would like to not be late."

They roll their eyes and she smiles and looks up at Noah.

"See you at lunch."


She waves and walks off. The boys jump him, again and he just smiles and opens his locker.

"When did that happen?" Jacob asks.


"Aw, brand new." Logan jokes.


At lunch, Noah and Emma walk in together and get their seats before the rest show up, being very loud as always.

"Guess what you boys get to do?" Noah asks the four.


"You guys get to go watch her choir concert with me where she gets her own solo."

"Are we being forced to do this?" Shawn asks.

"Yes." Emma answers. "I won't disappoint."

"I didn't even know you could sing." Jacob states.

"Neither did I." Noah agrees.

"Well, that's 'cause you didn't know who the hell I was until two weeks ago."

"Touche." Logan nods.

"But, really, I promise you won't be disappointed."

"We'll see." Nathan shrugs.

"I'm gonna kill a mother fucker."

"Holy shit." Noah laughs. "Dude, run."

"I'm fast." Nathan teases.

"Not against me when I'm 'bout ready to beat someones ass." Emma states.

"This is so fun to watch." Jacob states.

Emma glares at Nathan while sliding her finger across her neck, making Noah laugh harder.

"You chose a psycho." Nathan tells him.

"That's just fine."

Emma smiles and aggressively grabs her drink, making Nathan jump a bit and glare at her.

"How come we never see you with any of your friends?" Logan asks. "You're always hanging out with us."

"That's 'cause I have no friends." Emma chuckles.

"Oh, yeah. That'll do it."

"How?" Shawn asks.

"You're literally nice to everyone." Jacob states.

"Except for Nathan." Noah smiles.

"'Cause my niceness labels me as the teachers pet because I respect adults."

"Bullshit." Noah states.


"They're your friends, now."

"Not me." Nathan states.

"Didn't want you anyway." She flicks her hair.

The others laugh while Nathan rolls his eyes. The seat beside Emma shifts and Noah sighs at who's there.

"Emma, right?" Prissy bitch Sarah asks.


"What're you doing sitting here?"

"I'm sitting with my boyfriend."

"Really?" She chuckles in a high voice. "And which one of them would that be?"


"I'm being serious."

"As am I."

"Why you?"

"Oh, I don't know." Emma sighs and the boys get excited for what she'll say next. "Maybe, it's because it's his life and I'm the one he decided to put in it. Or, maybe because I'm a nice person and he likes nice people. Or, it could even be the fact that I don't come up to girls with a fake smile and voice, ready to start some pointless shit with her because she got a boyfriend. Those are only guesses, though."

The boys laugh as she gives Sarah a sweet grin and she stands up and stomps away.

"Never liked that bitch." Emma grits.

"Have we made an enemy already?" Noah smiles.

"Worth it."

Noah smiles at her as she continues eating like nothing happened.

"That was instant karma on her end." Jacob chuckles.

"Mmm." Emma agrees.

"Somebody's gotta put the bitch in her place." Logan shrugs.

"May as well be her." Shawn points at Emma.

"You were right." Noah whispers in her ear.

"I know." She smirks as she looks up at him when he leans back up.

"Awww." The four tease.

"Shut the hell up or I'm gonna make you guys go dress shopping with me like I am with him."

They go quiet and Noah laughs as she nods victoriously.

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