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Emma's laying on her couch with her phone, listening to creepy stories to distract her.

The door quickly opens and in walks five boys, sitting wherever they want, Noah moving her feet for him to sit and putting them on his lap.

"Sup?" She smiles as she pauses the video.

"They just walked right in and came here." Erin says from the door.

"That's funny."

"Yeah. Apparently they moved in like five-six weeks ago?"

"Yup." They sing.

"Start making you clean my house."

"They won't do it right and you know it." Emma states.


"Is that an insult?" Nathan asks.

"You have to do it a certain way that I've been doing for years and she's been doing her whole life." Emma states.

Erin chuckles and closes the door.

"They followed me, again." Noah states.

"We were worried." Logan shrugs.

"I got my pain meds and food and I'm good." Emma states. "Until I run out of both and I'm ready to kill someone."

"Oh, how fun." Nathan sighs.

Emma smiles and, as to freak them out, presses play on what she had been watching which just so happens to be a murder story.

"Are you kidding me?" Nathan asks.

"This is what you do when you're in pain?" Logan asks.

"I do it for fun."

Noah pats her leg with a smile and she sits up, switching her legs with her head on his lap.

"That's fucking creepy, dude." Shawn states.

"Just listen."

They look at each other with nervous faces at the woman who's amused by murder and listen as she says.

Emma laughs at something the murderer did and they all look at her confused.

"How is that funny?" Jacob asks.

"That's how the dumbass got caught."

"How?" Logan asks.

She explains in great detail how that sold the killer out before explaining in even more detail how she wouldn't get caught while making the hand motions. Noah smiles, already knowing how much she loves this stuff and seeing the horrified look on their faces.

"That's why woman killers are rarely ever caught."

"What in the actual fuck?" Shawn asks.

"Why the hell do you know this?" Nathan asks.

"Watched and listened to a lot of murderer things. Ghost stories are my favorite which I'm sure you can understand."

"Yeah, we get that." Jacob nods.

"But, why the murder?" Logan asks.

"It helps us women understand the mindset of the killer, so that one day, when it inevitably happens, we might be able to save ourselves. Might."

"Oh." They all sing.

She just smiles and shakes her head as the four start discussing it. Looking up at Noah, Emma sees him looking down at her.

"Thank you for coming."

"No problem, angel."

Her lip turns into a pout as her eyes water.

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