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The group have decided on going very last minute Christmas shopping at the mall. They all just got out of their cars and started walking to the doors.

"Hey, Emma?" Jacob calls.


He points and they all look over.

"Is tha-"

"Oh my god!"

Emma lets go of Noahs hand and takes off, stopping in front of the old man she had given fifty dollars to. He looks up and she waves, him smiling when he realizes who it is.

"Who's that?" Millie asks as she gives him a hug.

"She gave that man fifty bucks that she was given for singing." Shawn smiles.

"She gave fifty away?" Kiley asks.

"Yup." Nathan confirms.

Emma sits next to him with a smile as he talks to her.

"I wonder what they talk about?" Logan asks.

"She doesn't tell me." Noah shrugs.



He looks up and after a few seconds, he smiles and she helps him stand.


"It's so good to see you, again." She pulls him into a hug. "What happened with the fifty?"

"Thanks to you." He sits back down, her sitting beside him. "I was able to get myself meals for a few days."

"That's good to know. A few days isn't enough, though. I'ma give you more."


They watch Emma get her wallet out and go looking as the man stops her. She urges a little more until pretending to give up and out her wallet away, shoving another fifty in his bag behind her like nothing happened.

"Smooth." Nathan laughs.

"She just gonna give away money like that?" Mia asks.

"She's being nice." Noah defends. "Barely anyone gives homeless people money and she's given him a hundred dollars, now."

Emma stands and walks back to the group with a wave.

"We can go, now."

"You ever gonna tell us what you guys talk about?" Noah asks.

"No, I don't think I will."

"You stole that." He gasps.

"Yes, I think I did."

"From what?" Some of them ask and they gasp, again.

"We have to run." Emma states. "The hell kind of friends are these?"

"I don't know."

"Wha-?" They ask.

Emma takes Noahs hand and they start walking forward while the others follow confused.


A few hours later, they walk out with a few bags and Emma has food for John. She's about to go over to him, but he shows up in front of them.

"Now, now, missy."

"What'd I do?"

He show her the fifty and she laughs.

"Keep it."

"I will not. You've given me enough already, I don't want this."

"Ugh. Fine." She sighs. "I got you food anyway. This, you will take."

She hands the sub to him, taking the fifty back.

"Thank you, Emma."

"No problem. Give me another hug."

He chuckles and she hugs him, pulling away, saying a few words before he goes back to his bench, waving to the others.

"Wow." Nathan says.

"That was adorable." Izzy states.

"He is." Emma smiles.

"Where's the fifty?" Noah asks with furrowed brows.

"In his pocket."

She smiles and starts walking to the car as they look at her, surprised at how she'll give away that much. Noah just laughs and follows her.

"How'd you do that?" Millie asks.

"Put it there when I hugged him."

"Noah explained, but why do you give away that much?" Kiley asks.

"'Cause no one gives homeless people money, but they deserve it. I don't need it."

"You will." Mia states.

"Nah. I got enough to give to somebody who needs it more than me."

Noah nods and throws his arm over her shoulder, her smiling up at him. They all get in their shared rides and Emmas eyes go wide as she looks at Noah.


"Why do they care so much?"

"I honestly have no idea."

"I was being nice."

"That's exactly what I told them."

"Kinda upsetting how upset they were about me giving money to someone in need. Now, I love those girls, but my goodness."

Meanwhile, the girls, except Izzy, are asking why she would do that while the guys pretend to agree, really thinking it was a good thing to do.

"Wanna go to your house?" Noah asks as he pulls out of the parking lot.

"Yeah, I miss my room."


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