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It's been two hours now and they are still having a lot of fun. Hanging out with the cousins and Emma having been kidnapped by Lily and her sisters once, so she could meet Noahs grandma which they had absolutely adored each other. Noahs little sister finally shows up after being with a friend all day.

"Hey, Chloe."

"Hey, Noah."

"You wanted to meet Emma?"

"This is her?" She points with wide eyes.

"Hi, Chloe." Emma chuckles.

"Hi." She smiles brightly. "Noah's told me a lot about you."

"Oh, like what?" She raises a brow at Noah who just looks away, pretending to itch his nose.

"Well." Chloe smirks. "He said that you're funny, gorgeous, smart, talented, amazing-"

"Yeah, okay. You can stop." Noah nods.

"Aw, but I like it." Emma teases.

"Time to go."

Emma and Chloe laugh as Noah pulls her away. They get far enough away and Emma drags him to a quiet area against the house.

"Did you mean that?"


"What you told Chloe."

Noahs heart races while they stare into each others eyes. He takes a deep, hesitant breath before nodding.

"I did."

Emma stands surprised for a few seconds before throwing her arms around his neck. He smiles and pulls her closer by the waist, nuzzling his face into her neck.

"Well, you're not the only one who thinks that way."

He smiles wider, holding tighter as her body curves into his.


Emma has been stolen by the four-to-six year-olds, making her listen to their weird stories as they pull her away with their tiny hands. Noah smiles as he watches her sit with the youngsters on a picnic blanket, a bright smile on her face.


He turns and Jack and Chloe coming towards him.

"Hey." He looks back at Emma.

"He's hooked." Jack teases.

"As he should." Chloe nods.

"Oh, shut up." Noah waves them off.

"Come on, man." Jack chuckles. "You haven't looked away from her once today."

"Well, can you blame me?"

"No." Chloe scoffs.

"You cannot have her."

"We'll see." Chloe shrugs with a smirk.

"Damn. Should've known."

"Dude. Hold on to her." Jack laughs. "Our fifteen year-old sister is gonna steal her. It could happen."

"Oh, god."

"Okay, but seriously." Chloe smiles. "You're completely hung up on that beautiful girl, it's painful."

Chloe laughs and walks away as Noah throws his arms out at her, Jack throwing his arm over his shoulder.

"You tell her how you really feel, yet?"


"You should. You haven't seen the way she looks at you, but everyone else does. Mom won't stop talking about it with the aunts. Tell her before it's too late."

Jack pats Noahs back and walks off with a small smile while Noah stands, confused, excited, and nervous.

Emma looks up at his distraught face and says goodbye to the children, hurrying to stand in front of Noah.

"Hey, bub. What's wrong?"

"Nothing. Something, but it doesn't matter."

"Okay. Tell me whenever you're ready. I'd like to know. Maybe I could help?"

"Will do."

She smiles sadly up at him and takes his hand, calming him a bit.

"You hungry?" Noah asks.


"Why don't we go somewhere?"

"There's a bunch of food inside."

"I know, but I think I need a break."

"Okay, then, yeah. Let's go."


Emma and Noah take off without anyone, but Jack and Chloe noticing who just smile at each other as they watch the two get in his car.

"What did you have in mind?" Emma asks.


"Yes, sir."

Noah smiles and sets his hand on her thigh, seeing what she'll do and sighing happily when she looks down at it with a smile before looking forward.


They get to a random pizzeria they found and see that you can make your own. Noah gets excited while Emma smiles at him.

"What disaster are you gonna make?"

"I think you mean masterpiece."

"That's exactly what I mean."

He laughs and they continue looking down at the menus.

Emma gets a basic pepperoni while Noah gets multiple toppings on his.

"Lame." He scoffs.

"Yes, I am."

"What? No. You food choice is, though."

"Oh, hush. I like me some pepperoni.".

"Whatever, Beyonce."

"Fuck off, bub."

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