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Friday comes around, essay and test are already graded and Noah and his friends stand against random lockers, talking about random shit.

Noah spots Emma coming down the hall and gets his papers ready to show her. She reaches them and jumps with wide eyes as the papers appear directly in front of her face and the boys go quiet to watch.

"What is this?" Emma asks.

"Look at it."

She takes the papers and moves out of the way, making Jacob move over so she can stand next to Noah. Examining them, she smiles at the B and B+.

"Dude." She looks up at Noah. "This is great."

"I know."

"You're welcome."

"Yeah, yeah. Thanks."

"I'm just kidding. Seriously, though this is so much better. What's your over all grade in these classes, now?"


"Still so much better. Proud of you, dude."

"Let's hope my dad is."

"If he isn't, tell him he can talk to me. Kidding, don't do that."

"Wasn't planning on it." Noah chuckles.

She smiles and hands them back to him.

"Does that mean you're done with tutoring?"

"I don't know." He shrugs.

"Well, tell me when you find out."

"Will do. Wanna come to the game later?"

"I'll have to ask my mom when I get home, but I'll try. You'll know if you see me there." She waves. "K. Goodbye. I shall be leaving, now."

"Okay, bye."

Emma walks off and the boys look at Noah with wide eyes.

"Dude." They sing.

"What?" He asks in the same manner.

"That was so cute." Jacob teases.

"Holy fuck."

"You totally like her." Logan states.

"I'm so done with all of you."

They laugh as he walks away.




"I got my grade up."

"Oh, yay." Lily smiles.

"What is it?" Dan asks.

"It's not great, but it went from D's to C's. An essay and a test."

"Those are hard to do." Lily states, looking at Dan.

"You can do better than that."


"Guess that means I'm still doing the tutoring?" Noah asks.


Noah nods and walks away. He's happy about still being able to hang out with Emma, but it wouldn't hurt for his dad to not be a dick.

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