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Friday morning, Noah and Emma arrive at his locker, the four not there, yet.

"You guys kiss, yet?" Jacob asks, coming from no where with the others.

"Now, they're here." Emma sighs.

"Yes." Noah rolls his eyes.

"We haven't seen it." Logan challenges.

"I get nervous to kiss in front of people." Emma lies.

She wouldn't give a flying fuck if it was him.

"Oh, boo." Shawn waves them off.

"Whatever." Nathan rolls his eyes.

"We want proof." Logan states.

Emma and Noah look at each other nervously before turning back to the four.


"Boring." Jacob sighs.


Lunch comes around and Emma is just about to sit down when she's called to the office through the speakers.

"Ooh." The others sing.

"Oh, shut up. You all know I'm not in trouble."

They laugh and she pats Noahs head before walking out.


Emma comes back to the lunch room with a big smile as she sits facing Noah.

"Hi." He chuckles.

"Guess what?"


"I got an award."

"Oh, what's it for?" Jacob asks.

"I'm motha fucken student of the year, bitch."

She slams a piece of paper on the table as their eyes go wide.

"Beat that."

"Holy shit. That's amazing." Noah smiles as he pulls her into a hug.

They let go and she smiles brightly while the boys gently take the paper and read what it says.

"I can't even- like- I don't know what to do." Emma stutters. "This is so cool."

Noah laughs and she turns to him, still showing her bright and beautiful smile.




Emma comes sprinting into the living room with the paper in her hands and waves it in front of Erins face until she takes it with a confused smile.

"No way." She gasps.


"Emma, this is amazing. What'd Noah say?"

"The same thing." He answers.

"I didn't realize you were here."

"She took off as soon as she parked."

"I'm excited." Emma defends.

"Believe me, we see that."

"Oh, hush." She waves him away.

"You need to go pack." Erin orders.

"Oh, yeah. Okay."

She stands and goes to ask for the paper, but Erin shoos her away, making her laugh. Emma takes Noah upstairs and throws her stuff on her couch, Noah throwing himself on her bed. He crosses his ankles and puts his arms under his head, closing his eyes as she smiles at him.

That smile turns to a frown as she thinks about how close the end of their 'relationship' is. What'll happen to them when it's all over.

"You okay?" Noah asks, his eyes, now open. "You look upset."

"Yeah, just thinking."


"Am not."

"You totally are. You're not a very good liar."

"Um, the fuck? We're literally in a fake relationship. I think I'm a tremendous liar."

"I forgot about that." He laughs.

"How the hell did you forget about that?" She smiles.

"I don't know. I think I forgot it was fake?"

"Oh. Honestly, makes sense."

They both smile, but feel a pain in their chest, knowing that this will all end soon and neither wanting it to.


Emma has packed and sits at her desk with her laptop and camera.

"What're you doing?"

"About to make a video." Emma states, receiving a gasp in return.

"You mean I get a live concert?"

"You forget how many of those you've already had?"

"This one's different. You're posting it."

She just smiles with a small laugh, standing and going to her vanity drawer, pulling out a wig and thin mask. He gasps, again and she turns to him with a smile.

"I'm so excited."

"Guess what song?"

"Rihanna something."

"Wrong. Christina Aguilera."

"Shut the fuck up. No you ain't."


He continues to challenge her as she gets the wig and mask on. She gets her microphone ready and he sits up, excitedly waiting to her sing vocals like that.

Emma turns on the camera and smiles behind her mask when she sees Noah looking cute behind her in the mirror.


Emma turns off her camera and microphone, turning to Noah as she takes off her mask. He sits with eyes that may as well be shaped like hearts with a large smile.

"I got a video of that."

"Bub, why? I'm literally gonna post this for anyone to see."

"This one's for me."

She shakes her head with a smile and tears the wig off, fluffing her hair and itching her head.

"My god, those are itchy."

"Are you gonna stop wearing them when we graduate?"

"I think so. People have been asking for a face reveal."

"I say give the people what they want. It'd be a gift for them to see that beautiful face of yours."

Emma turns away with a smile as a blush grows on her cheeks. Noah smiles, knowing exactly what he just did and laying back down.

"I'm gonna steal your mattress."

"Give me yours."




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