Chapter 47: Life Is Good

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"Queen" Knowles.
8 Sept. 2018


"See! You missed another turn."

"Would you chill? We gone get there." I laughed.

"No. We were late to our doctor's appointment and I–"

"By only five measly minutes."

"Ten." She corrected.

"Tomato tomahto." I waved my hand while exiting the highway on Broadway street, merching in a lane.

Onika rolled her eyes and slouched more into her seat, fiddling with her fresh set of nails. She glanced out the window then up at me, shaking that big head of hers.

"I just get why we didn't take our normal route."

"I wanted to try something different."

"Mm. This how people end up dead." She mumbled.

"Quit being dramatic."

"I am not! I just don't want our friends waiting any much longer okay? It's our baby shower. We should have been there before any guest arrived." She complained.

I sped down the street, careful not cause a wreck or else that would be another thing for her to fuss about. She heavily sighed, typing away in her phone.

"We will be fine babe. Just relax." I reassured.

She rolled her eyes. "Yeah whatever. We should be there– why are you stopping right now?!"

"Cause we're here." I said in dull tone.

I parked in front of the building and made sure to be real close to the curb. Nicki looked around before slapping my arm a few times. I let out a low chuckle.

"Here?– Beyoncé Giselle Knowles take me home."

"Calm down girl." I laughed some more, hopping out of the car and jogging over to the passenger side. "Let's head inside this spot right quick. Check it out."

"Beyoncé. Where are we?" She questioned.

"Come on."

I nudged my head toward the building and extended my hand out for her to grab. Nicki puckered her lips, looking me up and down then rectulantly took my hand.

"You bet not be on bullshit." She warned.

"Hush girl. Close your eyes for me." I pleaded, walking behind her while covering her eyes with my hands. "Watch your step baby. You got it."

"Where are we going?"

"Would you quit with the questions?"

"I wouldn't have to if you tell me where we at."

"Yeah. Yeah. Keep your eyes shut."

I released my hands from her eyes to unlock the main door of the building. Once I pushed it open, I grabbed her hand, pulling her inside of the outlet.

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